EvrettG / Barkmate

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# BarkMate Dog Breed Selector

![alt text](<Screenshot 2024-04-18 205411.png>)

Link to deployed application



The BarkMate app enables users to explore a variety of dog breeds, offering detailed profiles including pictures and statistics. The 'save' feature allows users to bookmark breeds for future reference.


Barkmate can Either be loaded from https://evrettg.github.io/Barkmate or downloaded from https://github.com/EvrettG/Barkmate and run from a local computer via the index file.


Simply select a breed from the dropdown options and hit submit. This will then produce 4 pictures that will scroll aotumatically or scrolled throug manually of the dog breed selected and give you a visual representation of its stats.
To save a dog breed for later ease of viewing hit the save button while the dropdown is on the selected breed.
The buttons created can be pressed to bring up stats for the breed and related pictures.
To remove a saved dog breed button click on the trash can

User Story

AS A potential dog owner
I WANT to easily brwose through different dog breeds
SO THAT I can find a breed that fits my preferences

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN the BarkMate webstie
WHEN I load the page,
THEN I am presented with a page containing a title, dog breed save section and a drop-down list with different dog breeds
WHEN I click the drop-down box,
THEN I am presented all the dog breeds
WHEN I select a breed,
THEN I am presented a dog picture and stats about the dog breed
WHEN I save a dog breed,
THEN I am presented with my saved breed sitting in the saved section
WHEN I view the footer,
THEN I am presented with links to different adoption websites

Technologies Used

APIs Used
https://dog.ceo/dog-api/ for the pictures
https://api-ninjas.com/api/dogs for the dog stats


Pradeep Khanal
Evrett Godfrey


BarkMate is licensed under the MIT License.