Watch the Screens is a communication app for gamers to use in real-time while playing Watch the Skies, see references below for more info on game play.
Generations Working to Facilitate Watch The Screens, A Pilot Project of the Watch the Skies® Gameplay
Heroku: Watch The Screens Current: Live App (this version dependent on Admin deployment of game)
Github: Watch The Screens Future Dev Rollout: TBD
"Watch the Skies" video: Watch the Skies! is a 70-person MegaGame pitting teams of players against one another as the nations of Earth… or as an extraterrestrial menace! ... If you want to play with just one friend, Corporations and Media are for teams-of-two.
Feature: Play the game
Scenario: User joins a game The first example has three steps Given the Admin has started a game When the User joins the current (Admin's) game Then the User is able to view all current articles, round time remaining,
Scenario: Maker starts a game --- Admin starts a game The second example has five steps Given the Admin has started a game When the Admin waits for a Reporter to join Then the admin assings role of Reporter When a Reporter wants to create an article the form page populates Then the Reporter posts the written article for game-wide display
The user interface of this application shall be a single page application for each given role assigned to a player based on Bootstrap, Handlebars, Sockets and Sequilizer and others listed in the Technologies section.
Project is created with:
* Bootstrap version: 4.3.1 * Dotenv: 6.0.0 * Express: 4.6.4 * Express-handlebars": 3.0.0 * Moment: 2.24.0 * Moment-duration-format: 2.2.2 * Marquee: 1.5.0 * Mysql2: 1.6.5 * Sequelize: 5.5.0 * 2.2.0 * 2.2.0
To run this project, from your bash window, locally install using npm:
$ cd ../your-cloned-repo-root $ npm install $ npm start
CPJanz |EwRicklefs | QuietEvolver| Panzemek