EwenDC / root-automated-setup

Automated Advanced Setup for Leder Game's popular board game Root
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Small erratum and missing step in Keepers in Iron advanced setup #32

Closed steevefontaine closed 1 year ago

steevefontaine commented 1 year ago

In the advanced setup of the Keepers in Iron, the remaining relics should be placed randomly in step 3. This was officially pointed out in this errata: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1yBwLDRo0OuziCeRiX2SOpv63gH8_dmoCrGd8NyDuyC8/mobilebasic ("Keepers in Iron Advanced Setup Card, Step 3: This should note that you place the remaining relics randomly.")

Also, the advanced setup doesn't tell the player to fill their waystations track on their faction board, whereas all other factions with building tracks, are told to by advanced setup, as was pointed out by this topic on BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2837033/corrected-keepers-badgers-advanced-setup-card-adse. I know that this is not official but I think it should be fixed in the app.

With both these corrections, the advanced setup for Keepers in Iron would match their basic setup as described in the Law.