EwenDC / root-automated-setup

Automated Advanced Setup for Leder Game's popular board game Root
7 stars 5 forks source link
board-game i18next react redux root workbox

Root Automated Setup

Welcome to the GitHub page for the Root Automated Setup. If you wish to run it, simply head over to https://ewendc.github.io/root-automated-setup/. If you wish to contribute to the project, please read on.

Reporting an issue

If you have encountered a bug or unexpected behaviour when running the app, or you have run into an obstacle while trying to contribute a translation or code change, then please do not hesitate to raise a new issue here.

Setting Up the Developer Environment

If you wish to contribute code or translations to this project, you will be required to run it on your local machine. To get started:

  1. Download Node.js. If you wish to contribute code, it is also recommended that you download Visual Studio Code to take advantage of the pre-existing workplace configuration.
  2. Open the command line program for your operating system, then install pnpm by executing the command npm install -g pnpm.
  3. Once you have installed Node and pnpm, clone the repository to your computer.
  4. In the opened command line program, navigate to the folder you cloned the repository to, and execute the pnpm install command.

The application is now ready to be run on your computer. To run it, execute the pnpm dev command, then navigate to http://localhost:5173/root-automated-setup/ in your web browser.


This project was built from the ground up with translation support using i18next, more specifically with the react-i18next plugin. This means that translations are loaded from javascript at runtime.

Updating a Translation

All translations are located in the /src/locales/ folder of the repo. You can learn more about the translation format here. To summarise the basics, the file is formatted as a set of nested translation keys and translation values like this:

export default {
  deck: {
    exiles: `Exiles and Partisans`,
    standard: `Standard`

The translation keys are required for the application to know what translation to use, so you will (mostly*) not change the keys (or the file's structure in general) when translating. Instead, you will edit the values to match the translated text for the given language. i.e. if the previous example came from en.ts, this is what that same example would look like in nl.ts (translation is for demonstration purposes, and is not accurate):

export default {
  deck: {
    exiles: `Ballingen en Partizanen`,
    standard: `Standaard`

Some translated text will include formatting using HTML or HTML-Like tags like so:

export default {
  forge: {
    setup: `Player {{count}}, place the Legendary Forge landmark in a clearing. It cannot have a landmark or be adjacent to one. Grab the "Legendary Forge" landmark card from the game box and place it next to the board on it's non-setup side.<br/>Based on the suit of the Legendary Forge's clearing, remove the following items from the item supply on the map, and place them on the Legendary Forge card:<p><Fox/>: <Sword/> <Sword/> <Crossbow/> <Hammer/></p><p><Mouse/>: <Bag/> <Bag/> <Tea/> <Tea/></p><p><Rabbit/>: <Boot/> <Boot/> <Coin/> <Coin/></p>`

When translating, please edit the text around these tags, but not the tags themselves, like so:

export default {
  forge: {
    setup: `Speler {{count}}, plaats het Legendary Forge-oriëntatiepunt op een open plek. Het mag geen oriëntatiepunt hebben of er aan grenzen. Pak de oriëntatiepuntkaart "Legendarische Smederij" uit de doos en plaats deze naast het bord op de niet-opgezette kant.<br/>Gebaseerd op de kleur van de ontruiming van de Legendary Forge, verwijder je de volgende items uit de itemvoorraad op de kaart en plaats ze op de Legendary Forge-kaart:<p><Fox/>: <Sword/> <Sword/> <Crossbow/> <Hammer/></p><p><Mouse/>: <Bag/> <Bag/> <Tea/> <Tea/></p><p><Rabbit/>: <Boot/> <Boot/> <Coin/> <Coin/></p>`

Some translated text will include substitutions, demoted by double curly braces like so:

export default {
  setUpMapLandmark: {
    subtitle: `Set up the {{landmark}}`

When translating, place the substitution (as-is) in the correct place in your text like so:

export default {
  setUpMapLandmark: {
    subtitle: `Het {{landmark}} instellen`

*If the substitution is {{count}}, that represents a contextual number for the text. You can provide plural forms of the text for your language in separate keys, even if the English translation does not include those keys. See the i18next documentation for more information. This is the only situation in which you will modify the structure/keys of the translation file

Adding a New Language

To add a new language translation, simply copy and paste the en.ts file located in the /src/locales/ folder of the repo. Rename your new file to match the format of [Two letter language code].ts. Then, you need to add your language to the list of languages contained in /src/i18nSetup.ts. Go to the top of the file and look for the section that matches this format:

import EnglishFlag from "./images/languages/english.png";

export const languages = [
  { name: "English", locale: "en", image: EnglishFlag },

You will need to add a new entry for your added language inside of the languages list. Copy an existing line and replace the name and locale with your language's name and the same two letter language code you used for the file. You will also need to provide a flag image for the language selector. I recommend finding an appropriate flag SVG on wikimedia and downloading the lowest resolution png proxy provided. Save it to the /src/images/languages folder with an appropriate name, then add an import for it to the above section as per the other languages. You changes should end up looking something like this:

import EnglishFlag from "./images/languages/english.png";
import DutchFlag from "./images/languages/dutch.png";

export const languages = [
  { name: "English", locale: "en", image: EnglishFlag },
  { name: "Nederlands", locale: "nl", image: DutchFlag },

Testing a Translation

Open the command line program for your operating system and navigate to the folder you cloned this repository to. Execute the pnpm dev command, then navigate to http://localhost:5173/root-automated-setup/. When you make changes to the translation file inside of /src/locales/, the webpage should refresh with your changes reflected in the app.

Translation Standards

  1. As much as possible, please copy the punctuation of the original English text. (e.g. If a sentence ends without a full stop, don't include a full stop in your translation, and vice-versa).
  2. Match the translation of your language’s official Root localisation where possible (this includes the name of cards in instances where they are referenced in text).

Adding content

This app was designed from the ground up to easily support the addition of new Root content without any code changes (with the obvious exception of new types of content, e.g. the hirelings in the marauder expansion). The game content is loaded from a file called content.ts, which contains a list of all expansions, and what components are included in each expansion. Since it is a TypeScript file, the correct format is enforced by TypeScript. You can see what the expected format is in the types.ts file. The associated images of new content should be imported into the file as per the example set by existing content. This allows the images to be processed by the compiler.

I am willing to accept contributions for fan-made print-and-play content, provided that there is enough demand from users to do so. Remember, this app is designed specifically for the physical game, so included fan-made content would also have to have a decent amount of people who have printed it off and use it in their physical games. Content that only exists on Tabletop Simulator would not be eligible to be added. If fan-made content is added in the future, it will most likely be hidden by default behind a checkbox on the expansion selection screen.

Content Text

All content text is defined within the translation files, using dynamic key lookup based on the code you assigned to the component. For example, if you define the Lake map like so:

const content = {
  underworld: {
    base: false,
    image: underworldBox,
    maps: {
      lake: {
        landmark: "ferry",
        image: lakeMap,

The app will attempt to load all relevant text for this map from the map.lake key, which you would define in /src/locales/en.ts like so:

export default {
  map: {
    lake: {
      name: `Lake`,
      setupTitle: `Set up the Lake Map`,
      setup: `<i>1.</i> Grab the Lake/Mountain map board from the game box and place it down with the Lake side facing up.<br/><i>2.</i> Collect the 12 suit markers, flip them face down, and shuffle them, then place one on each clearing.<br/><i>3.</i> Place a ruin in each slot on the map marked with an "R" <i>(four in total)</i>.<br/><i>4.</i> Place these items on the matching spaces of the item supply near the top of the map: 2 <Boot/>, 2 <Bag/>, 1 <Crossbow/>, 1 <Hammer/>, 2 <Sword/>, 2 <Tea/>, 2 <Coin/>.<br/><i>5.</i> Place the two dice near the map.`,
      landmarkSetup: `Place the Ferry piece in the corner clearing that is also a coastal clearing. If you have "The Ferry" landmark card, take it from the game box and place it next to the board on its non-setup side.`,

Most text you define (with the exception of title/subtitle text) can support the following basic HTML tags (More information in the react-i18next documentation):

The following list of custom tags are also supported for the purpose of displaying inline suit and item icons:

Content Images

All images used in the app are sourced from official sources, including the Leder Games Website and Board Game Geek (specifically images uploaded by Leder Games staff), and also from semi-official sources including the Tabletop Simulator Mod (in the case where we need an image that is printed on a component). When adding images for components, please try to maintain the same image quality standards as the existing content images (fan made content images are excepted). Save your images in a square (1:1) aspect ratio, at a resolution no greater than 512x512, as PNG files with an 8-bit Bit Depth and the Octree Quantisation algorithm, with a Dithering level of 0 and Transparency threshold of 128. This is to ensure the images have a minimal file size while maintaining transparency support, with an acceptable quality level, while supporting devices that do not support the webp image format.

Contributing Code

Over on the issues page I have already flagged some potential functionality that can be added to the app. You can feel free to have a crack at implementing one of them, or any other feature or minor fix you can think of. When you are done, fork this repository then submit your changes as a pull request.

Code Standards

  1. Before submitting code for review, please ensure it has been formatted using Prettier. If you are using Visual Studio Code, and you have installed the workspace recommended Prettier editor extension, then this should happen automatically whenever you save a file.


This project was built using React, Redux, and Redux Toolkit.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

pnpm dev

Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:5173/root-automated-setup/ to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.

pnpm build

Builds the app for production to the dist folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimises the build for the best performance (minifying it and adding hashes to the filenames).


Unless covered under an existing license, all work included in this repository is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. "Root", images of Root components, and art or text taken from Root, are the intellectual property of Leder Games and fall under the license provisions set forward by them. This repository includes icons taken from Font Awesome Free, and fall under their CC BY 4.0 License.