ExerciseAndrew / Algorithms

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2/10/22 - Picking this up again with some Javascript. I am pretty sure my skills are a bit stronger than they were 2 years ago, but we'll see. After reading my entry from two years ago, it looks like I've come a loooooong way. I just took a look at the code I had been writing in Python and C. I was really gunning for it. Super cool to see. I have an idea that I'll write a small app that will take in some inputs to an algorithm word question (like mad libs but with argument parameters) and spit out an answer. It would be a good way to practice test driven development and get some algorithm practice.

2/17/22 - Currently adding whatever I work on from codewars and hackerrank. I want to start adding some stuff from 'Cracking the Coding Interview' as well but it isn't exactly light reading and I don't want to write my own test cases right now. Just wanted to make note of it here so that I don't forget. I should open up a Trello board for this repo, since there are a lot of things I want to do with it.

/***for a blast from the past, see below entry ****/

5/12/20- I'm starting to stand on solid ground here. This coding stuff is full of pit-falls, but if I ignore the dread that contaminates the more difficult realms of study then I can stay on top of this. I've developed some goals and interests. I want to interface my algorithms with a stack file that I made. I want this to be able to run on another machine pretty easily and, perhaps it is because I am a beginner but I don't know how easy or hard that is to do. I think that is a big reason why Github is so widely used, so I will refer to the whimsy I cook up next time I start practicing branching. I've been trying to figure out how to work with JSON serialization/deserialization. It isn't really clicking naturally, but I am able to run my text based game using JSON to store map data and I think I can incorporate that into my work with the algorithms as I try to build test-cases for larger numbers. From here it seems like a pipe-dream, but I can do a lot in one day and I can spend days and days knocking my head against this if it means I'll unlock more 'secrets'.