Exgc / OpenSR

The official implementation of OpenSR (ACL2023 Oral)
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OpenSR: Open-Modality Speech Recognition via Maintaining Multi-Modality Alignment

Xize Cheng, Tao Jin, Linjun Li*, Wang Lin, Xinyu Duan, Zhou Zhao | Zhejiang University & Huawei Cloud

PyTorch Implementation of OpenSR (ACL'23 Oral): an open modality training framework that can be trained on a single modality and applied to multiple modalities.


If you find OpenSR useful in your research, please use the following BibTeX entry for citation.

      title={OpenSR: Open-Modality Speech Recognition via Maintaining Multi-Modality Alignment}, 
      author={Xize Cheng and Tao Jin and Linjun Li and Wang Lin and Xinyu Duan and Zhou Zhao},


First, create a conda virtual environment and activate it:

conda create -n openSR python=3.8 -y
conda activate openSR

Then, clone this directory:

git clone https://github.com/Exgc/OpenSR.git
cd OpenSR

Lastly, install Fairseq and the other packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt
cd fairseq
pip install --editable ./

Open-Modality Speech Recognition (OpenSR)

1. Data preparation

Follow the steps in preparation to pre-process:

2. Audio-Visual Alignment Learning

Refer to the audio-visual speech pre-training model AV-HuBERT. The pretraining checkpoints can be found at here.

3. Decoder Training with Audio only

Suppose {train,valid}.tsv are saved at /path/to/data, {train,valid}.wrd are saved at /path/to/labels, the configuration file is saved at /path/to/conf/conf-name, the model will be saved at /path/to/checkpoint.

To train the decoder with audio only, we run with the settings of opensr/opensr_large_vox_audio.yaml:

$ cd opensr
$ fairseq-hydra-train --config-dir /path/to/conf/ --config-name opensr/opensr_large_vox_audio.yaml \
  task.data=/path/to/data task.label_dir=/path/to/label \
  task.tokenizer_bpe_model=/path/to/tokenizer model.w2v_path=/path/to/checkpoint \
  hydra.run.dir=/path/to/experiment/opensr common.user_dir=`pwd`

4. Tuning of the Target-domain Decoder


We further tune the model with the entire visual utterances, we run with the setting of opensr/large_vox_video.yaml or opensr/large_vox_audio_video.yaml:

$ cd opensr
$ cp /path/to/experiment/opensr/checkpoint_best.pt /path/to/experiment/full-shot/checkpoint_last.pt
$ fairseq-hydra-train --config-dir /path/to/conf/ --config-name opensr/large_vox_video.yaml \
  task.data=/path/to/data task.label_dir=/path/to/label \
  task.tokenizer_bpe_model=/path/to/tokenizer model.w2v_path=/path/to/checkpoint \
  hydra.run.dir=/path/to/experiment/full-shot common.user_dir=`pwd`


We tune the model with visual speech of common words only, we run with the setting of prompt/large_vox_base_{10,20,50,100}.yaml The number of the clustering centers can be defined with the prompt_strategy: base_{number of centers} in the yaml.

$ cd opensr
$ cp /path/to/experiment/opensr/checkpoint_best.pt /path/to/experiment/few-shot/checkpoint_last.pt
$ fairseq-hydra-train --config-dir /path/to/conf/ --config-name prompt/large_vox_base_{10,20,50,100}.yaml \
  task.data=/path/to/data task.label_dir=/path/to/label \
  task.tokenizer_bpe_model=/path/to/tokenizer model.w2v_path=/path/to/checkpoint \
  hydra.run.dir=/path/to/experiment/few-shot common.user_dir=`pwd`

Zero-Shot & Inference

Suppose the test.tsv and test.wrd are the video list and transcripts of the split to be decoded, saved at /path/to/data. task.normalize needs to be consistent with the value used during fine-tuning. Decoding results will be saved at /path/to/experiment/decode/s2s/test.

$ cd opensr
$ python -B infer_s2s.py --config-dir ./conf/ --config-name conf-name \
  dataset.gen_subset=test common_eval.path=/path/to/experiment/{opensr,few-shot,full-shot} \
  common_eval.results_path=/path/to/experiment/decode/s2s/test \
  override.modalities=['video'] common.user_dir=`pwd`

The command above uses the default decoding hyperparameter, which can be found in conf/s2s_decode.yaml. override.modalities can be set to ['video'] (for lip reading), or ['audio'] (for ASR) or ['audio','video'] (for audio-visual speech recognition).These parameters can be configured from the command line. For example, to search with a beam size of 20, we can append the command above with generation.beam=20. Important parameters include: