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ISLTranslate: Dataset for Translating Indian Sign Language

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This repository contains the resources for the following paper:

ISLTranslate: Dataset for Translating Indian Sign Language

Authors: Abhinav Joshi, Susmit Agrawal, Ashutosh Modi

Abstract: Sign languages are the primary means of communication for a large number of people worldwide. Recently, the availability of Sign language translation datasets have facilitated the incorporation of Sign language research in the NLP community. Though a wide variety of research focuses on improving translation systems for sign language, the lack of ample annotated resources hinders research in the datadriven natural language processing community. In this resource paper, we introduce ISLTranslate, a translation dataset for continuous Indian Sign Language (ISL), consisting of 30k ISL-English sentence pairs. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first and largest translation dataset for continuous Indian Sign Language with corresponding English transcripts. We provide a detailed analysis of the dataset and examine the distribution of words and phrases covered in the proposed dataset. To validate the performance of existing end-to-end Sign language to spoken language translation systems, we benchmark the created dataset with multiple existing state-of-the-art systems for sign languages.

Download Dataset

The ISLTranslate dataset can be downloaded using the following πŸ”— Download Link. The dataset directory structure is as follows:

β”œβ”€β”€ data
    β”œβ”€β”€ ISLTranslate.csv                 # ISL video uid with respective ENGLISH translations

β”œβ”€β”€ Data
    β”œβ”€β”€ ISL-videos.tar.gz                # ISL sentence/phrase videos
β”œβ”€β”€ Extracted-Features
    β”œβ”€β”€ mediapipe_holistic_poses1.tar.gz
    β”œβ”€β”€ mediapipe_holistic_poses2.tar.gz
    β”œβ”€β”€ mediapipe_holistic_poses12.tar.gz
    β”œβ”€β”€ mediapipe_holistic_poses13.tar.gz
β”œβ”€β”€ Sample-Data
    β”œβ”€β”€ dataset_sample
        β”œβ”€β”€ translation                  # Translation (sample videos)

ISL-Signer Validation

To verify the reliability of the video-sentence/phrase ISL-English pairs present in the dataset, we took the help of a certified ISL signer. Due to the limited availability of certified ISL signers, we could only use a small randomly selected sign-text pairs sample (291 pairs) for human translation and validation. The comparison set can be found in the ISL-Signer Validation file. The comparison set contains the following columns:

uid Transcribed Text (text present in ISLTranslate translation dataset) Gold Translation (text generated by ISL Singer)
1782bea75c7d-10 "Birbal started smiling. When it was his turn, he went near the line." Birbal started smiling. He turned towards the drawn line.
1782bea75c7d-11 Discuss with your partner what Birbal would do. Discuss with your partner what Birbal would do.
1782bea75c7d-12 Now read further. Now read further.
1782bea75c7d-13 Birbal drew a longer line. "Under the drawn line, Birbal"
1782bea75c7d-14 under the first one. drew a longer line.
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
ee235596b76f-7 Oh you are hurting me! Said the pencil The pencil said no you are hurting me.
ee235596b76f-8 Let me draw you one last picture and then you can do what you like. Let me draw you one last picture and then you can do what you like.
ee235596b76f-9 very well said the mouse very well said the mouse

Comparison Scores:

Translations are compared using standard NLP metrics such as BLEU, METEOR, ROUGE, and WER. The comparison scores are as follows:

Number of sentences: 291 291
BLEU-1:  0.6065795403334836
BLEU-2:  0.5507175048668254
BLEU-3:  0.514321619282337
BLEU-4:  0.48933443903422547
METEOR:  0.5733929657094051
ROUGE:  {'rouge1': 0.6146125544989498, 'rouge2': 0.474413272825395, 'rougeL': 0.6034237198632457, 'rougeLsum': 0.6025781528163006}
WER:  0.6188459502382213


License: CC BY-NC 4.0 The CISLR dataset follows CC-BY-NC license. Thus, users can share and adapt our dataset if they give credit to us and do not use our dataset for any commercial purposes.


    title = "{ISLT}ranslate: Dataset for Translating {I}ndian {S}ign {L}anguage",
    author = "Joshi, Abhinav  and
      Agrawal, Susmit  and
      Modi, Ashutosh",
    booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023",
    month = jul,
    year = "2023",
    address = "Toronto, Canada",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2023.findings-acl.665",
    pages = "10466--10475",
    abstract = "Sign languages are the primary means of communication for many hard-of-hearing people worldwide. Recently, to bridge the communication gap between the hard-of-hearing community and the rest of the population, several sign language translation datasets have been proposed to enable the development of statistical sign language translation systems. However, there is a dearth of sign language resources for the Indian sign language. This resource paper introduces ISLTranslate, a translation dataset for continuous Indian Sign Language (ISL) consisting of 31k ISL-English sentence/phrase pairs. To the best of our knowledge, it is the largest translation dataset for continuous Indian Sign Language. We provide a detailed analysis of the dataset. To validate the performance of existing end-to-end Sign language to spoken language translation systems, we benchmark the created dataset with a transformer-based model for ISL translation.",