ExposureSoftware / TEC-Client

A client for the Skotos prose RPG The Eternal City
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A client for the Skotos prose RPG The Eternal City. It is designed to mimic the Zealotry client in every way.

Build Status

Master Dev
Build Status Build Status


  1. Download the installer (file extension .msi) for the latest release.
  2. Run the installer.


Starting the Client

  1. Navigate to the install destination.
  2. Run Centurion Client.exe
  3. Follow prompts with your account credentials.


Echo Input

Check this box if you would like to see your input echoed to the screen after entry. Echoed commands are displayed in italics.


If you wish to log all output from the session choose this box and provide a log destination. Logs are saved with file names formatted as TECLogs<DD.MM.YYYY-HH.MM.SS>.txt and are plain text.

The Client


Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate the input buffer.


Highlight any text in the output pane and right-click your selection. A context menu will allow you to edit notes based on that selection.

The text in the notes window can be freely edited as plain text. Upon closing the note will save. All notes can be found locally at installed_directory/resources/notes/.