This is a collection of tools and utilities for [EyeTribe Dev Kit]( development in Unity. The package provides an interface for communicating with the EyeTribe Server from Unity through the open [EyeTribe API]( The package allows developers to get started quickly and focus their efforts on creating truly immersive and innovative apps using our eye tracking technology.
An [EyeTribe Tracker]( or [EyeTribe VR Tracker]( is required to use this library. This dev kit supports both ***remote eye-tracking*** and ***vr eye-tracking***.
Developed for and tested against [Unity 5.4.2](
If using a ***vr eye-tracker***, it is important that you install and run [Valve SteamVR]( This run-time environment supports both Oculus & Vive HMDs.
Included in the repository is a Unity sample project *'./unity-sample/'*. This sample illustrates how to calibrate the EyeTribe Server and gives an example of how to use gaze input in 3D environments. The sample supports both the *****EyeTribe Tacker***** and ***EyeTribe VR***. The calibration scene automatically adapts to both setups.
**Building (OPTIONAL)**
Find a pre-built version of this sample under [releases]( Should you whish to build this sample yourself then follow the below instructions.
Since dependencies in the [Eye Tribe C# SDK]( uses reflection, a change in the Unity default project settings is needed in order to build. Please make sure that the following setting is set before building:
*Player Settings -> Other Settings -> Api Compatibility Level -> .NET 2.0*
If building for VR, make sure to enable:
*Player Settings -> Other Settings -> Virtual Reality Supported*
Build for desired target platform using Unity Build Settings.
**Interaction Scene**
![The Eye Tribe](tet_screendump.png)
**Input Handling**
- Fire1: Left Ctrl
- Fire2: Left Alt
- Fire3: Left Shift
- Fire4: Space
- Esc: Exit app
- 1: Show/Hide GazeIndicator
- 2: Toggle raw/smooth gaze data
- 3: Show/Hide Gaze Info
- 4: Show/Hide CalibrationArea
- 5: Reduce CalibrationArea Width
- 6: Increase CalibrationArea Width
- 7: Reduce CalibrationArea Height
- 8: Increase CalibrationArea Height
- Fire1: X Button
- Fire2: Y Button
- Fire3: A Button, Show/Hide GazeIndicator
- Fire4: B Button, Show/Hide Gaze Info
- Back: Go Back or Exit
GearVR Touchpad:
- Fire1: Tap
- Fire2: Swipe Down
- Fire3: Swipe Back, Show/Hide GazeIndicator
- Fire4: Double-Tap, Show/Hide Gaze Info
- Back: Go Back or Exit
Included in the repository you'll find the ***EyeTribe.Unity*** library (./unity-commons/). This library encapsulates the [Eye Tribe C# SDK]( & Unity Scripts common the eye tracking development into a single assembly named *EyeTribe.Unity.dll*. Building this library automatically copies the resulting assembly file to *'./unity-sample/Assets/TheEyeTribe/Plugins'*.
Find the latest ***EyeTribe.Unity.dll*** under [releases](
**Building (OPTIONAL)**
Should you choose extend this library and build it yourself, the project needs to know your Unity installation path. To set this up, open the project file *'./unity-commons/commons/unity-commons.csproj'* with a text editor. Then modify the property *$(YourUnityFolder)* to the path of your Unity installation.