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NOTICE: This project is no longer under active development. F5 may still use internally for other project(s) but is no longer maintaining it publicly.
This project implements an SDK for the iControl® REST interface for BIG-IP®. Use this library to use python to automate a BIG-IP® via its REST API.
Please see the project documentation on Read the Docs: http://f5-sdk.readthedocs.io.
.. code:: shell
$ pip install f5-sdk
.. note::
If you are using a pre-release version you must use the ``--pre``
option for the ``pip`` command.
.. code:: python
from f5.bigip import ManagementRoot
# Connect to the BIG-IP
mgmt = ManagementRoot("bigip.example.com", "admin", "somepassword")
# Get a list of all pools on the BigIP and print their name and their
# members' name
pools = mgmt.tm.ltm.pools.get_collection()
for pool in pools:
print pool.name
for member in pool.members_s.get_collection():
print member.name
# Create a new pool on the BigIP
mypool = mgmt.tm.ltm.pools.pool.create(name='mypool', partition='Common')
# Load an existing pool and update its description
pool_a = mgmt.tm.ltm.pools.pool.load(name='mypool', partition='Common')
pool_a.description = "New description"
# Delete a pool if it exists
if mgmt.tm.ltm.pools.pool.exists(name='mypool', partition='Common'):
pool_b = mgmt.tm.ltm.pools.pool.load(name='mypool', partition='Common')
Design Patterns
I intend the SDK to be easy to use and easy to hack. These overarching goals
have a strong influence on my thinking when I am reviewing contributions, this
means it is in their own interest that I make them as explicit as possible!
The original interface specification was given to me by Shawn Wormke, who I
believe was influenced by the Jira and Django projects. At the time I was
reading Brett Slatkin's 'Effective Python', and I tried to follow its advice
where possible.
List of Patterns For Contributing Developers
#. Hack this list to make it more correct/complete
For list additions assign @zancas as the PR reviewer.
#. The call operator ``()`` means: "Try to communicate with the device."
This is a strong contract we offer the consumer of the SDK. If an SDK
function is invoked with the call operator ``()`` the program is initiating
a communication with the device. That communication may fail before
reaching the wire, but it has nonetheless been initiated. Conversely, if
an SDK user evaluates an SDK expression that *DOES NOT* invoke the ``()``
call operator, then the SDK does *NOT* initiate a communication with the
device. Any extension to the SDK that is not consistent with this contract
is unlikely to be incorporated into the supported repository.
#. The SDK is stupid
The SDK doesn't decide things for the consumer, it's
simply an interface so that Python programs can manipulate device resources
without implementing custom URI/HTTP/network logic. Implications:
The consumers of this library are themselves Python
programs. The Application programmer must say what they mean in their
SDK-using program. It violates a critical separation of concerns to add
default values to the SDK. Don't do it! (Unless you have a good
#. Failures generate exceptions
If the SDK enters a surprising or
unexpected state it raises an exception. That's it. It's not generally
up to the SDK to implement decision logic that handles edge-cases..
EXCEPT where the SDK is smoothing known issues in the device REST
server. (See below.)
#. The SDK never interprets responses
It just records whatever response
the device returns as attributes of the relevant object. (Except where
handling significant inconsistencies in the device interface.)
#. public-nonpublic pairs
e.g. 'create' and '_create' XXX add content here.
#. Handle known issues in the device REST server.
The SDK intends to provide
a rational interface to consumers that does the right thing. This means
that one case where it does NOT simply do the stupid thing is when it
handles a known idiosyncrasy in the device REST server. For example, some?
resources ignore 'disable' and 'enable' configuration options when they are
set to 'False'. Rather than force a consumer to learn about this quirk in
the server, the SDK guesses that '"disable": False' means '"enable": True'
, and submits that value on the consumers behalf.
#. Implement-Reimplement-Abstract
Solve the problem concretely and simply, if
the same problem arises again, solve it concretely, then take the two
concrete solutions and use them as your specification to generate an
abstraction. In the SDK this usually goes something like this:
#. Add logic to a concrete subclass
#. Add similar logic to another concrete subclass
#. Create a new method in a mixin or Abstract 'resource.py' base class and
have both concrete subclasses inherit and use that method.
bigip ^^^^^ Python API for configuring objects on a BIG-IP® device and gathering information from the device via the REST API.
See the Issues section of Contributing <CONTRIBUTING.md>
See Contributing <CONTRIBUTING.md>
Before you open a pull request, your code must have passing
pytest <http://pytest.org>
__ unit tests. In addition, you should
include a set of functional tests written to use a real BIG-IP device
for testing. Information on how to run our set of tests is included
Unit Tests
We use pytest for our unit tests.
#. If you haven't already, install the required test packages listed in
requirements.test.txt in your virtual environment.
.. code:: shell
$ pip install -r requirements.test.txt
#. Run the tests and produce a coverage report. The ``--cov-report=html`` will
create a ``htmlcov/`` directory that you can view in your browser to see the
missing lines of code.
.. code:: shell
py.test --cov ./icontrol --cov-report=html
open htmlcov/index.html
Style Checks
We use the hacking module for our style checks (installed as part of step 1 in the Unit Test section).
.. code:: shell
$ flake8 ./
Copyright 2014-2016 F5 Networks Inc.
Apache V2.0
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Contributor License Agreement
Individuals or business entities who contribute to this project must have
completed and submitted the F5 Contributor License Agreement <http://f5-openstack-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/cla_landing.html>
to Openstack_CLA@f5.com prior to their code submission being included in this
.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/F5Networks/f5-common-python.svg?branch=0.1 :target: https://travis-ci.org/F5Networks/f5-common-python :alt: Build Status
.. |Docs Build Status| image:: http://readthedocs.org/projects/f5-sdk/badge/?version=latest :target: http://f5-sdk.readthedocs.org/en/latest/?badge=latest :alt: Documentation Status
.. |slack badge| image:: https://f5-openstack-slack.herokuapp.com/badge.svg :target: https://f5-openstack-slack.herokuapp.com/ :alt: Slack
.. |coveralls| image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/F5Networks/f5-common-python/badge.svg :target: https://coveralls.io/github/F5Networks/f5-common-python :alt: Coveralls