Gymbuddy is a web-app designed to help people find a friend to go to the gym with.
View Heroku deployed version of Gymbuddy
How to install local version of Gymbuddy
- Clone repo onto your local machine
git clone
- Install dependencies
npm i
- Start local server
npm run dev
- Open your browser to
:heavy_plus_sign: See our test results
npm test
User Journey
As a user I would like to
User Stories
Stretch goals
Tech Stack
- Javascript
- Node.js
- Sass -> CSS
- Express
- Handlebars
Brief File Structure
:file_folder: Public
:file_folder: src
:file_folder: tests
What we learned
- Figma and prototyping
- Many-to-Many tables
- Sliders, input type = 'range' - needs a 'name' attribute to be picked up in req.body/ query
- SASS stuff
- modularizing style
- what a precompiler is/ does
- How to and how not to manage time correctly
- testing with jest
- HTML5 Geolocation and the navigator object
- consolidated learning express and handlebars
- exposure to vulnerability threats and github scrapers (ooops)
- soft skills
Things we struggled with:
- Testing
- Travis, continuous irritation
- Contagious viral infections
- Rabbitholing and/or writing superfluous code
- One man down, caused a few problems here and there
- Dependencies we werent using were crashing our tests
Things we want(ed) to do:
- create user profiles/login
- complete navigation paths around app
- add location db values into the search criteria
- fix more bugs
- Sockets io / a chat functionality for matched users
- backend validation/ santitation
Stretch Goals:
- Sockets io
- Realtime location
- Authentication
Thank you for reading!