FACG2 / twitter

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Twitter Site

A simple twitter Site

Submitted on 23-8-2017

Done by: walid, Eslam, Hana and Kefah

About the project:

  1. This project is a web app that mimics twitter site. it allows user to signup and login once until the user press the log out button.

  2. then the home page is the page which contains all tweets for all users and add new tweets.

  3. the last thing that the nav bar contains the username and his avatar which is click able, so you can navigate the user profile.

The site fulfill the following Requirements:

  1. Login form with 2 fields - username and password
  2. Client-side and server-side validation on login form, including error handling that provides feedback to users
  3. Users only have to log in once (i.e. implement a cookie-based session on login)
  4. Username is visible on each page of the site after logging in
  5. Any user-submitted content should be labelled with the authors username
  6. There should be protected routes and unprotected routes that depend on the user having a cookie or not (or what level of access they have).

User story:


Database Schema:


Site Pages:


How to install the project:

1.Clone the repository from Here

  1. run the code by js npm start

  2. Run the project on the browser localhost:4000

    Visit the site from Here