FACG4 / w6_Stop_Go_Cont

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>Done By : Mohammed ,Ishak,marwa,ramy.

Build Status


Project idea

A simple Stop-Go-Continue App that allow you to Explain your opinion and share your thoughts about the activates that done during the week .


What is the Sites structure?

The site contains 2 folders:

  1. public folder: the frond end part contains two sub-folders :css: contains the img folder and style.css file, and js folder contains the (dom.js and logic.js).and contains the (index.html).

  2. src folder: The back end part contains the database folder that contains querjs folder >> (getdata.js , check.js, checksignup.js, signup.js and postdata.js) files and test folder that contains dbtest file and the src folder also contains(handler.js,hash.js, server.js.and router.js)

How to use ?

check the site

Thank You For Your Time.