FACG5 / Qattan-foundation

This is a Technical Support System For Qattan Foundation
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Our Prototype

Problem Statement

The Qattan Foundation doesn't have a technical support system , they store there data in Excel files , they need for their employees to be able to file a ticket when they have a problem in their devices to the I.T department , also they need to be able to send a loan device application to the I.T , They need to add all the new devices and modify it's awnership

Our Solution

Building a website that enable the employee to send a ticket (technical support | Loan ) to the I.T department , the I.T will be able to take an action on it , to have a full report .

User Journey:

As a Qattan Employee:

  • "I want a system that would make requeting maintance from the techinical support department convenient"

As a Qattan Employee:

  • "I want a manner thorugh which I can file a ticket for technical support without having to use the old traditional way of calling which often leads to forgetfulness or late responses"

As a Qattan employee:

  • I would like a way that would make applaying for loan requests of gadgets easy and fast"

As a Qattan manager:

  • "I would like an easy, fast manner through which I can view all the latest tickets and responses from the tech.support department without having to view traditional paper reports."

As a Qattan technical support employee:

  • "I want to be able to view all techinical support requests all in one place and to be able to respond promptly"

    how to run the Server

run npm test in your terminal

DataBase Schema

Tech stack

Asala KM

Salwa Mugh

Ons Nader