FACG6 / Kaaf-Country-autocomplete

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Our website that give you ability to enter your country name in the search text input field which will give you back sensible suggestion related to the selected country.


Day 1:

Creating our server & router and starting to create our functions. Modularisation. Make the front-end designe.

Day 2:

Completing our functions. Check our app's responsive and git a 100% of accessibility. Deploying on Heroku.

What is the Sites file structure?

The site contains 3 folders:

public folder: the frond end part contains two three-folders: js folder : contains the script.js. css folder : contain the style.css and media.css. pages folder: contain the pagenotfound.html

src folder: The back end part contains js files (router.js, server.js, handler.js and Country.json that it is contain names of country and information of it

What we learn!!

Member Team work

* Khader
* Abdallah 
* Alaa 
* Fatma 

How to use ?