FACG6 / MusixMatch

Back-end api request
0 stars 1 forks source link

Music Lyrics:

LINK: https://musixmatch212.herokuapp.com/

What ?

Our website that allow to users search on any song he want it.

How ?

We created tow input fileds the first of search when input the name of song will view the words of this song and the second of input filed when enter any world will veiw the all songs contain this word and you can take the name of song and entering in first feild to search on song.

Work Plan

Day 1:

Create repository. create structure of files. Creating our server.

Day 2:

Testing file. Deploying on Heroku. create Dom side .

File Structure


CSS JS *index.html


Server Router *Handler



User story

As a user Looking forward to enjoying and searching easy .

Who are you?

Ahmed Elalmi. Anies Elrias.