The app's idea is a todoList, which allows the other to add their tasks and stores it in a database to be retrieved later. The app is still under work, so it's still missing many features.
1- Set up our server.
2- Connect it to the Database.
3- Retrieve all the dummy data from our website automatically when the page first loads, using fetch and then manipulation.
1- Make the add button functional, by using a post request.
2- Add delete buttons, and mark as completed (or not) buttons and make them functional too.
1- Testing. All kinds of testing. For the functions, server, and database.
2 - Hosting our app on Heroku. (We included a section at the bottom to explain how to run it on your machine).
1- Clone this repo.
in your terminal, and hit enter.2- Now run the command CREATE DATABASE tododb;
on your terminal, after you cd into the repo you just cloned. This command will create a database. Notice how there should be a semi-colon after every command.
3- Then, run the command CREATE USER todouser with password '0000';
. This will create a user called "todouser", with a password of 0000.
4- Then, run GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE tododb to todouser;
. This command will grant our todouser with all priviliges and rights to use and access the database.
5- Go the root directory ("fid-or" in this case), make a file "config.env".
6- Copy paste this into the file. "DB_URL = postgres://todouser:0000@localhost:5432/tododb". This is to establish connection between our server and database. And it is used throughout the code of the app.
7- Now, we need to install two modules that our app relies on to funciton. Those are pg and env2. Run the command npm i pg env2
to install them in one go.
8- Now we have a file called "db_build.js" in the repo. Which is basically what builds our database. So, run this command node <path to the file/>
which in our case it's node src/database/db_build.js
9- Go to your browser, and in the URL field, write: localhost:7000
and hit enter.
10- Now you should have our app running!