FACN1 / week7-SPN

Saucy Psychic Ninjas Dinner Blog
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Brace yourselves for Saucy Psychic Ninjas' Dinner Blog(!!!).


Our site will be a blog about what was cooked for dinner at the guesthouse (or elsewhere). Users can submit new posts about meals, read about specific meals, and ultimately comment on posts and maybe search/filter posts.


User Stories

As a bored internet browser who navigates to the home page:

I want to see a list of posts about different dinners which were cooked

So that I can see if there are any I would like to read more about

As a confused user who has navigated to the site erroneously:

I want to be confronted by a home page which is visually appealing

So that even though I choose to leave the site, I leave with a positive impression of both the site, and the Saucy Psychic Ninjas

As a proud chef who has recently masterminded a fantastic dinner:

I want to be able to write a painstakingly detailed post about the entire process

So that I can re-read the post with my friends at various points in the future and laugh and be merry

Local install instructions

git clone https://github.com/FACN1/week7-SPN.git

cd week7-SPN

npm i

atom config.env

Database Schema:


Column Type Modifiers More info
id integer not null default serial primary key
dish character varying(255) not null
description text
chef_name character varying(255) not null
background_color character varying(25) not null
date_published timestamp without time zone not null default now()

Stretch Goals