our link : https://facn4.github.io/Week1_Day3_Project/
This website is a short one-page team portfolio website aimed at a client looking to hire a team of developers. We were required to satisfy 7 user stories (see reference).
This project gave us experience of working with GitHUB in groups and an opportunity to practice our HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills.
The website contains a header, a concise description of what we can offer and 3 main sections:
We began by reading the the project brief together and creating a list of all user requirements.
Next we devised a basic site structure together which half of the team built in HTML and the other half worked on our brand and website content.
Finally we broke into 2 teams, pair programming together, to solve clearly defined issues which we identified together in regular team catch-ups.
We met the following user stories with our website: