FACN4 / Week1_Day3_Project

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The A Team - Rayan, Tawfiq, Suha & Matt

our link : https://facn4.github.io/Week1_Day3_Project/

Section 1. Why?

This website is a short one-page team portfolio website aimed at a client looking to hire a team of developers. We were required to satisfy 7 user stories (see reference).

This project gave us experience of working with GitHUB in groups and an opportunity to practice our HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills.

Section 2. What?

The website contains a header, a concise description of what we can offer and 3 main sections:

Section 3. How?

We began by reading the the project brief together and creating a list of all user requirements.

Next we devised a basic site structure together which half of the team built in HTML and the other half worked on our brand and website content.

Finally we broke into 2 teams, pair programming together, to solve clearly defined issues which we identified together in regular team catch-ups.

Reference - User Stories

We met the following user stories with our website: