FACN4 / week9_Beat_the_AI

0's & X's
0 stars 1 forks source link


Game process and componenet hierarchy

Step 1: phase 1 (home page)

_ The palyer chooces the symbol and the game mode . Game component folder inside component folder:

  1. Header . component folder: gameStart (functionates accprding to the chosen symbol and mode) . logic folder: Hardmode.js
  2. turnLabel priniting player's turn message(by default the firts player is the humanPlayer)

step 2: phase 2 (game page)

_ Filling the grids: . Game Component folder inside component folder:

  1. grid conatiner.js
  2. grid items.js --> filling the array inside gameBody.js . logic folder: aiTurn.js (to switch turns) . components folder app.js to calculate results

Step 3: phase 3 (results printing page)

_ Printing winning message: . logic folder:

  1. winnig.js . components:
  2. gameEnd
  3. app.js --> changed to phase 3

Home page

/home/suha/Pictures/Screenshot from 2018-08-30 09-10-29.png