A PHP Library For Manage Data From Fingerprint Machine with SOAP Protocol
MIT License
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attendence-system fingerprint fingerprint-attendance php soap soap-client zkclient zkteco

ZK Soap PHP Library

A PHP Library For Manage Data From Fingerprint Machine with SOAP Protocol



Easy Installation

Install with composer

To install with Composer, simply require the latest version of this package.

composer require fahriztx/zksoapphp

Make sure that the autoload file from Composer is loaded.

// somewhere early in your project's loading, require the Composer autoloader
// see: http://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Quick Start

Just pass your IP, Port and Comkey :

// reference the ZK Soap PHP namespace
use Fahriztx\Zksoapphp\Fingerprint;

// initial
$machine = Fingerprint::connect('', '80', '123456');

// get machine status
echo "Machine Status : ".$machine->getStatus(); // connect | disconnect

// get all log data
print_r($machine->getAttendance()); // return Array of Attendance Log

// get all log data with date
print_r($machine->getAttendance('all', '2022-05-01')); // return Array of Attendance Log

// get all log data with date range
print_r($machine->getAttendance('all', '2022-05-01', '2022-05-10')); // return Array of Attendance Log

// get specific pin log data
print_r($machine->getAttendance(1)); // return Array of Attendance Log
// OR Array
print_r($machine->getAttendance([1, 2])); // return Array of Attendance Log
// reference the ZK Soap PHP namespace
use Fahriztx\Zksoapphp\Fingerprint;

// initial
$machine = Fingerprint::connect('', '80', '123456');

// get machine status
echo "Machine Status : ".$machine->getStatus(); // connect | disconnect

// get all user data
print_r($machine->getUserInfo()); // return Array of User Info Data

// get specific pin user data
print_r($machine->getUserInfo(1)); // return Array of User Info Data
// OR Array
print_r($machine->getUserInfo([1, 2])); // return Array of User Info Data
