FAIRit / fe-PetCare-App

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PetCare App

This repository contains react app - PetCare App.

Using this app, you can archive your pet's test results, treatment history and information about medicines.

In addition, you can analyze the treatment results at diagrams, use event calendar and digital, docs archive.

How to use

```npm i```

install the dependencies

npm start

run the react app

Now, you can start to work with the PetCare App

You could register and login with your account, but you can also login with the test account (tips on the page :))


At first, you can choose the language that you prefer :)

Bez tytułu2

After logging in, you can start to enter, update and delete medical data

![Screenshot from 2020-04-13 17-16-01](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52631841/79599988-b6725100-80e6-11ea-8d19-830efa050086.png)
![Screenshot_2020-04-17 React App(3)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52631841/79597566-cc7e1280-80e2-11ea-8cd3-25db0a6f270a.png)

you can use the calendar with events

![Screenshot_2020-04-17 React App(2)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52631841/79598019-8aa19c00-80e3-11ea-9630-ae97a4ad17ed.png)

archive with the option of storing documents (as links)

![Bez tytułu](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52631841/79707538-1b7f9f80-82bd-11ea-993c-755ae42edd9c.png) ![Screenshot_2020-04-17 12122019 morfologia (1) pdf](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52631841/79599448-c76e9280-80e5-11ea-9d9a-5146d01c0011.png)

search your data by keywords


and analyze the treatment history at diagrams

![Screenshot_2020-04-17 React App(4)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52631841/79598233-dce2bd00-80e3-11ea-912d-f547eb8049bd.png)

How do I plan to develop the PetCare App?

I plan to expand my app with the specific search filters and to connect calendar with google calendar. I'm going to refine diagrams also :).

And... how you can contact with me?

It's my e-mail adress:

github: https://github.com/nnow991

and Linkedin: