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P-Rec. 3: A common minimum metadata schema must be used to describe semantic artefacts and their content. (D2.5) #30

Open GCoen1 opened 3 years ago

GCoen1 commented 3 years ago

As with any type of data, semantic artefacts should be described by metadata to allow users to cite them, retrieve them, and to understand and apply their content. In addition, it is important to have general information regarding the scope of the semantic artefact (at least which domain is covered by the ontology), provenance information, and many other details. Metadata must be appropriate to the life cycle stage and application of the artefact.

This metadata must be available in popular encodings, and must be accessible for harvesting and discovery by search engines, semantic service providers and metadata aggregators, registries, and catalogues.

As for semantic artefact themselves, the concept /term/ class and relation that compose them should also have a common metadata schema that provide information such as label, definition, examples of usage, author, version, multilingual labels, and similar.

Reaching an agreement at this level will ease the process of working with concepts from multiple heterogeneous semantic artefacts. It is important to note that proper definitions are necessary to be able to evaluate the difference between similar classes from different ontologies (see BP-Rec. 8).

matentzn commented 3 years ago

One source of inspiration here could be for example the OBO metadata schema, see here (example).