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FAIR Semantics


Welcome to the repository supporting the work carried out by the FAIRsFAIR FAIR Semantics Task. The goal of the Task 2.2 of the FAIRsFAIR project is to establish a set of recommendations and good practices for making semantic artefacts FAIR.

The term "semantic artefact" is being used here as a catchall term covering ontologies, KOS (Knowledge Organization Systems), and any other similar ‘tools’ which allow researchers and machines to describe, locate, access, and understand (meta)data. This could also include data vocabularies, code, code lists, and standards.

Context, objectives and scope

Deliverable 2.5 is a complete, reviewed and improved version of D2.2. D2.5 supersedes D2.2.

Link to full text D2.5 in ZENODO: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4314321

Link to full text D2.2. in ZENODO: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3707984

The 3rd and final set of FAIR Semantics reccomendations is due to be published in Q1 2022. It will be a complete, reviewed and improved version of D2.2. and the last output for the FAIR Semantics team within the context of the FAIRsFAIR project.

How to contribute

Thanks for taking the time to contribute!

Each specific issue/thread deals with a different reccomendation.

Isssues #29 - #58 = the UPDATED best practice reccomendations from D2.5.

Issues #28 - #44 = the UPDATED preliminary reccomendations from D2.5.

Issues #18 - #27 = the best practice reccomendations from D2.2.

Issues #1 - #17 = the preliminary reccomendations from D2.2.

Our goal is to gather consensus about each reccomendation in order to arrive at a set of commonly agreed (and adopted) reccomendations as part of an iteritive process. Please navigate through the issues and comment to give your opinion about the reccomendation(s) you believe need further work.

It is also possible to submit problems encountered, suggestions, questions, reccomendation proposals etc. as issues.