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P-Rec. 6: Build semantic artefact search engines that operate across different semantic repositories. (D2.5) #33

Open GCoen1 opened 3 years ago

GCoen1 commented 3 years ago

To be able to reuse existing semantic artefacts in part or in full, it is necessary to be able to find them across a large number of distributed and heterogeneous semantic repositories. For this, semantic artefact search engines are required that can operate across different semantic repositories. These search engines should enable federated queries across the semantic artefacts; provide means to gather analytics across all ontologies (overlaps, mappings, reuse); and support the use of large-scale automated mappings to resolve semantic ambiguity.

The indices resulting from such federated queries can be composed in real time (strongly dependent on infrastructure and connectivity), or persisted with periodic updates and synchronisation. Such indices could be directly integrated within semantic artefact authoring tools and software to provide access to the existing resource at the time of the creation of a new semantic artefact, or be used to populate lookup lists and vocabulary resources for applications such as metadata editors.

This recommendation emphasizes that such services are an important element of the infrastructure to support FAIR data and FAIR Semantics.