FDH2 / UxPlay

AirPlay Unix mirroring server
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.35k stars 72 forks source link

append changelog to fulfill the license obligation #177

Closed SilverSteven closed 1 year ago

SilverSteven commented 1 year ago

Missing notice for modifications on original work (violation of GPL-3.0)

[Modification terms and conditions in license] The original work should be honored while the modifications on it should be attached with prominent notices as the license GPL-3.0 dictates. Your project is a forking project from antimof/UxPlay which adopts GPL-3.0 as its project license. The modification terms and conditions of GPL-3.0 dictate that:


...The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it, and giving a relevant date...

Therefore, I think the project is obligated to abide by the modification terms and conditions in GPL-3.0.

[Violation of modification terms and conditions] I run through your history, and it turns out that you have conducted modifications to the source files of original work while didn't provide prominent notices. You have 19 commits which conduct modifications to the original work, all of which are not declared in README.html, README.md, README.txt. Specifically, of the 19 commits, all commits are not announced in these files. According to the license terms and conditions above, it is regarded as license violation. Thus, to avoid potential legal risks, I would suggest you carry out prominent notices for the 19 commits.

[Fix] For your convenience, I created a PR with by picking up modification-related commit messages. It adds a few lines in changelog without touching the codebase. Please be comfortable to check it out.

Full details of the report you could refer to the html file attached. Hope it helps!


fduncanh commented 1 year ago

most of this is computer-generated nonsense. The README document is not part of the code and is not "GPL".

I will however add my name and date to the copyright notices on code files I have modified .

fduncanh commented 1 year ago

Actually, this is a fork of RPiPlay, just not done through GitHub.

I then diverged from the RpiPlay code base as of August 1, 2021. Since December 10, 2021 antimov has been merging pull requests I make, but no longer works on this himself. This is because many people startd using UxPlay in 2020, and provide links to the antimov GitHub page.

I will add my name and modification dates to the files I have modified.

SilverSteven commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your review, after considering your comment and communicating with open source organization, we will recommend an alternative to other open source contributors, which is: put a note in the top directory, something like MODIFICATION.md, and write "In compliance with the license: I declare that this version of the program contains my modifications, which can be seen through the usual "git" mechanism."

fduncanh commented 1 year ago

Not everything is done through git.

Also you don't have standing to start issuing automated "notices of GPL violations". My understanding is that only the previous authors have standing to do that. There is no place for self-appointed GPL regulators.