FDH2 / UxPlay

AirPlay Unix mirroring server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cmake fails because of libplist "missing" even though it is installed. #197

Closed fduncanh closed 1 year ago

fduncanh commented 1 year ago

(posted by @ivanzgroot at the old UxPlay antimof site) https://github.com/antimof/UxPlay/issues/134

Cmake fails looking for libplist-2.0 but libplist-2.2.0-9.fc38.x86_64 is already installed. Running on Fedora 38.

`-- Project name: uxplay -- Will compile using X11 Libraries (use cmake option -DNO_X11_DEPS=ON if X11 dependence is not wanted) -- CFLAGS "" from build environment will be postpended to CMAKE_CFLAGS -- Using CFLAGS with -march=native -- ONLY USE THIS WHEN COMPILING ON THE MACHINE THAT WILL RUN UXPLAY -- run "cmake -DNO_MARCH_NATIVE=ON" to switch off this compiler option -- using CMAKE_CFLAGS: -DSTANDALONE -DSTDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -DSTDC_LIMIT_MACROS -DTARGET_POSIX -D_LINUX -fPIC -DPIC -D_REENTRANT -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Wall -Ofast -march=native -- Checking for one of the modules 'libplist>=2.0' -- Checking for one of the modules 'libplist-2.0' CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:894 (message): None of the required 'libplist-2.0' found Call Stack (most recent call first): lib/CMakeLists.txt:92 (pkg_search_module)

-- Will use X_DISPLAY_FIX -- ZOOMFIX will NOT be applied as Gstreamer version is >= 1.20 -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!`

if I run:

sudo dnf update && sudo dnf install libplist

the results are:

Package libplist-2.2.0-9.fc38.x86_64 is already installed. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete!

fduncanh commented 1 year ago

@ivanzgroot : From your cmake output, it looks like pkgconf (to provide "pkg-config") might not be installed. what does "which pkg-config" report (should be "/usr/bin/pkg-config")

The UxPlay README says

You also need pkg-config: if it is not found by "which pkg-config", install pkg-config or its work-alike replacement pkgconf. Also make sure that cmake>=3.4.1 is installed:

On Fedora 38 install two rpms: pkgconf and pkgconf-pkg-config

ivanzgroot commented 1 year ago

Hey, Thanks for the repost in here @fduncanh. I accidentally published to the old site.

I just tried to install the packages with:

sudo dnf update && sudo dnf install pkgconf-pkg-config pkgconf

and it came back with:

Package pkgconf-pkg-config-1.8.0-6.fc38.x86_64 is already installed. Package pkgconf-1.8.0-6.fc38.x86_64 is already installed. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete!

So pkgconf is installed.

But I just got it working. It was indeed missing the libplist-2.0 package. I had libplist-2.2.0-9.fc38.x86_64 installed but cmake is looking for libplist-devel-2.2.0-9.fc38.x86_64 . After installing it the Cmake command worked.

fduncanh commented 1 year ago

OK! The UxPlay README does list libplist-devel in the RedHat instructions!

shubhxms commented 1 year ago

hello! i get the following error when i run uxplay uxplay: error while loading shared libraries: libplist-2.0.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory libsplist is installed

fduncanh commented 1 year ago

@shubhxms give more details. did you compile uxplay yourself? which version ("uxplay -v") what distribution?

how do you know that libplist is installed? (the error message appears to indicate that it isn't)

EDIT: look for it with

find /usr  -name  "libplist*"
fduncanh commented 1 year ago

on e.g. Ubuntu-22.04 LTS, libplist-2.0.so.3 is in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and is installed by "sudo apt install libplist3"

If you built uxplay yourself (recommended) and followed the instructions you should have it installed.

If you used a prebuilt package, that package should have included libplist in its requirements.

geeflaxx commented 1 year ago

Hey I have arch linux and libplist3 is not in the package manager

does someone has a solution?


fduncanh commented 1 year ago

what makes you think you need "libplist3" ???? (This is a name used by Ubuntu/Debian, for non-obvious reasons, originally introduced in Debian 10 to distinguish libplist-2.0 from libplist-1.x, which were both supplied) Debian describes it in https://packages.debian.org/sid/libplist3

Is something not working for you?

From the README (if you are not using AUR):

Building on non-Debian Linux and *BSD

geeflaxx commented 1 year ago


I already installed it

EDIT by fduncanh: @geeflaxx :

fduncanh commented 1 year ago

a new release of libplist was recently made, unfortunately with one single modified item in its supposedly "stable" API that breaks some apps, but not uxplay. See https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libplist/releases and https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libplist/issues/227

When the new release is compiled, the shared library it produces is now called "libplist-2.0.so.4" instead of "libplist-2.0.so.3". This was probably done because of the slight change in API.

Arch Linux recently upgraded libplist to this new version, and previously-compiled uxplay binaries that were compiled against the older libplist need to be rebuild (either using AUR scripts, or using the uxplay build instructions from this site).

fduncanh commented 1 year ago

Closing, see #199

fduncanh commented 1 year ago


If you are using Arch Linux, the issue is because of a recent Arch update of libplist after uxplay was compiled. See #199 You just need to rebuild uxplay (using AUR, if that is how you installed it)

shubhxms commented 1 year ago

@shubhxms give more details. did you compile uxplay yourself? which version ("uxplay -v") what distribution?

i am on a arch based distro, i downloaded the AUR package

"uxplay -v " returns an error: "uxplay: error while loading shared libraries: libplist-2.0.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

how do you know that libplist is installed? (the error message appears to indicate that it isn't)

i tried installing and the system said "reinstalling, already installed"

EDIT: look for it with

find /usr  -name  "libplist*"

/usr/lib/pkgconfig/libplist++-2.0.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libplist-2.0.pc find: ‘/usr/lib/mysql/plugin/auth_pam_tool_dir’: Permission denied /usr/lib/libplist++-2.0.so /usr/lib/libplist++-2.0.so.4 /usr/lib/libplist++-2.0.so.4.3.0 /usr/lib/libplist-2.0.so /usr/lib/libplist-2.0.so.4 /usr/lib/libplist-2.0.so.4.3.0 find: ‘/usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d’: Permission denied

shubhxms commented 1 year ago


If you are using Arch Linux, the issue is because of a recent Arch update of libplist after uxplay was compiled. See #199 You just need to rebuild uxplay (using AUR, if that is how you installed it)

oh! thank you!

  • Suggestion: always give full details, such as which distribution you use, and description (e.g. "it used to work, but has stopped working")

i will keep that in mind, sorry for the confusion!

fduncanh commented 1 year ago

All good now?

shubhxms commented 1 year ago

I get the "could not connect to Uxplay@" error (https://github.com/FDH2/UxPlay#2-uxplay-starts-but-stalls-after-initialized-server-sockets-appears-with-the-server-name-showing-on-the-client-but-the-client-fails-to-connect-when-the-uxplay-server-is-selected) firewalld is not running and I do not have ufw installed

fduncanh commented 1 year ago

run "uxplay -d" and post the output here

shubhxms commented 1 year ago

uxplay -d ''' UxPlay 1.64: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server. Audio format 1: AAC-ELD 44100/2 GStreamer audio pipeline 1: "appsrc name=audio_source ! queue ! avdec_aac ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! volume name=volume ! level ! autoaudiosink sync=true" Audio format 2: ALAC 44100/16/2 GStreamer audio pipeline 2: "appsrc name=audio_source ! queue ! avdec_alac! audioconvert ! audioresample ! volume name=volume ! level ! autoaudiosink sync=false" GStreamer video pipeline will be: "appsrc name=video_source ! queue ! h264parse ! decodebin ! videoconvert !autovideosink name=video_sink sync=true" Initialized GStreamer video renderer using system MAC address (mac-address) Initialized server socket(s) '''

fduncanh commented 1 year ago

sounds like a firewall. I'll boot Arch and look

fduncanh commented 1 year ago

check for the firewall with

sudo systemctl status firewalld

stop it with

sudo systemctl stop firewalld
shubhxms commented 1 year ago

sudo systemctl status firewalld

firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; disabled;> Active: inactive (dead) Docs: man:firewalld(1)

it is not running

same issue - "could not connect to uxplay@"

fduncanh commented 1 year ago

The symptom you have means that the uxplay server is not hearing anything back from the iOS device. You need to find out why.

On arch, with the firewall disabled, it works here

sudo systemctl status firewalld
○ firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; disabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: inactive (dead)
       Docs: man:firewalld(1)

UxPlay 1.64: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address 80:dx:4c:ab:a1:66
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 24
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/680.23.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 26
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
fduncanh commented 1 year ago

also check for ufw, iptables


shubhxms commented 11 months ago

hi! i gave up on the idea back then but was able to get it working now! thank you so much for being so responsive and helpful! :)