FDH2 / UxPlay

AirPlay Unix mirroring server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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need to rebuild uxplay after upgrading gstreamer from 1.22.x to 1.24.x (was: *** invalid ntp_time < gst_video_pipeline_base_time #127 ) #279

Closed da-the-dev closed 2 months ago

da-the-dev commented 2 months ago

This is an issue repost, since I'm having a similar issue

* EDIT the reposted older issue was unrelated to the current issue ~
fduncanh commented 2 months ago

can you post your own error messages. thanks. (this code has changed )

da-the-dev commented 2 months ago

After a system upgrade GStreamer window stopped showing up for me after the AirPlay stream would start. I was looking online to find a solution and I found that old GitHub issue. I thought that the OP of the issue was experiencing something similar to what I had, so I decided to repost.

If I run uxplay -async no -vsync no I get

UxPlay 1.68: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address 5c:e4:2a:10:21:1a
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 24
connection request from Smart iPad 2077 (iPad7,11) with deviceID = 28:77:F1:82:31:39

Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/755.3.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 26
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline

And then it's stuck like that. GStreamer window does not show up, the console just freezes.

If I run uxplay Everything works properly.

The reason I used to run uxplay -async no -vsync no was because the stream would desync after a short while after it was started and error messages similar to those in the reposted issue would show up. So I looked around the options and made audio and video asyncronous (I didn't need it to be in sync at all anyway, I use my iPad as a whiteboard).

I guess the crutch I used does not work, but I don't need it anymore? Hooray? xD And I guess I had a completely different issue, so the repost was not necessary.

fduncanh commented 2 months ago

Are you on Arch like the old post?

I booted into our Arch test installation to check.

~~Unfortunately I didn't test uxplay before upgrading. After upgrading gstreamer was at new major release 1.24.1, and uxplay video was not working any more. I checked on Arch derivative Manjaro which is still on v 1.22.10 and all worked. So there is some issue after the upgrade to gstreamer-1.24.x that needs fixing.~~

EDIT: false alarm. A new direct github build worked. After removing the previous AUR build and rebuilding it, it worked too. The update to gstreamer-1.24 requires that uxplay be rebuilt. (updates within a gstreamer series like 1.22.x don't require a rebuild).

fduncanh commented 2 months ago

The "correct" way to use uxplay when the client ipad is a whitebord is "-vsync no", (-async no is the default anyway, though this may change in the future).