FDH2 / UxPlay

AirPlay Unix mirroring server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Distorted image #60

Closed mastastealth closed 2 years ago

mastastealth commented 2 years ago

When I Airplay from an early gen iPad Pro, my desktop image is squished into this: image

Altering the resolution via the -s flag doesn't seem to affect this ratio, is there a way to correct this?

fduncanh commented 2 years ago

Exactly which model iPad Pro? What linux or other system is running uxplay

It should be fixable with -s wxh for suitable w and h but you report it isn't

try changing the videosink "-vs .... " option.

try ... = gtksink, glimagesink, waylandsink, vaapisink, ximagesink, xvimagesink etc. (not all will work on your system)

(see README (Usage) or the manpage.)

mastastealth commented 2 years ago

I believe it's Gen 1? The 2015 12.9 (ML0N2LL/A). Running Kubuntu 21.10, I'm on an Nvidia card.

Swapping syncs worked, fwiw: ximagesink - fails xvimagesink - squishes (regardless of -s) glimagesink - Works! (without needing -s)


fduncanh commented 2 years ago

Its good it now works for you.

iPad Pro gen 1 11 inch should probably use

uxplay -s 2388x1668

As an aid to maintaining uxplay, please provide some more info.

I'd be interested to see what the uxplay -d (debug) terminal output says with and without this option. (try in both portrait and landscape orientations) (... is other options like -vs)

Stop uxplay just after the video starts, or capture to a file ( "uxplay -d .... >out 2>&1") as there is a lot of output with -d

Just after the initial setup, when mirroring starts you will see something like

raop_rtp_mirror accepting client
video packet header: 25 00 00 00 01 00 16 01 2b 15 d4 ac 1d 07 02 00 

payload_size = 37, type = 1
begin video stream wxh = 1440x1080; source 1440x1080
raop_rtp_mirror width_source = 1440.000000 height_source = 1080.000000 width = 1440.000000 height = 1080.000000
raop_rtp_mirror sps size = 18
raop_rtp_mirror pps size = 4

Please report back with what this says. This won't depend on which videosink you use, but see if -s 2388x1668 helps for xvimagesink. Also try -s 1168x2388 (portrait) and -s 584x1194 (portrait) and -s 1194x584 (landscape) just to see what happens with xvimagesink (and glimagesink)

mastastealth commented 2 years ago

Let's see, so I believe xvimagesink is my default so:

uxplay -s 2388x1668 -d | Landscape

video packet header: 26 00 00 00 01 00 16 01 a7 56 df 68 bc 1b 02 00 

begin video stream wxh = 2226x1668; source 2226x1668
raop_rtp_mirror width_source = 2226.000000 height_source = 1668.000000 width = 2226.000000 height = 1668.000000
raop_rtp_mirror sps size = 19
raop_rtp_mirror pps size = 4

uxplay -s 2388x1668 -d | Portrait

video packet header: 26 00 00 00 01 00 16 01 a7 56 df 68 bc 1b 02 00 

begin video stream wxh = 2226x1668; source 2226x1668
raop_rtp_mirror width_source = 2226.000000 height_source = 1668.000000 width = 2226.000000 height = 1668.000000
raop_rtp_mirror sps size = 19
raop_rtp_mirror pps size = 4

uxplay -s 1194x584 -d | Landscape

video packet header: 24 00 00 00 01 00 56 01 73 28 43 1f 59 22 02 00

begin video stream wxh = 780x584; source 780x584
raop_rtp_mirror width_source = 780.000000 height_source = 584.000000 width = 780.000000 height = 584.000000
raop_rtp_mirror sps size = 17
raop_rtp_mirror pps size = 4
video packet header: d2 1f 00 00 00 10 00 00 26 70 6b 53 47 22 02 00

None of these help fix the ratio issue, I'll report back tomorrow with more and then the same set on glimagesink. :+1:

fduncanh commented 2 years ago


If you could capture the beginning part of the output for uxplay -d and post it here (you can add the file as a .txt file to the issues page) it would be useful to see what the iPad Pro reports about itself during the setup process.

(See the debug output in the uxplay Wiki)

mastastealth commented 2 years ago

@fduncanh Yes, the size of the mirror window did change despite busted ratio, it just letter boxes as I try to resize it. glimagesink similarly works on resizes with letterbox. I've attached the uxplay -d outputs with both sinks.

xvimagesink-fail.txt glimagesink-yay.txt