FDSN / WebServiceSpecificationCommonalities

FDSN Web Service Specification Commonalities
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The International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN) defines web service interfaces that provide access to data and metadata in seismology. These services share many common characterisitics which are defined in a specification "Commonalities" document.

The Commonalities and service specifications are published at: https://www.fdsn.org/webservices/ and maintained by FDSN Working Group III.

This repository is used to tracking issues and suggestions (and their related conversation) related to the Commonalities.

Repositories for FDSN web services:

fdsnws-dataselect - https://github.com/FDSN/fdsnws-dataselect/

fdsnws-station - https://github.com/FDSN/fdsnws-station/

fdsnws-event - https://github.com/FDSN/fdsnws-event/

fdsnws-availability - https://github.com/FDSN/fdsnws-availability/