FERNmatrix / Thermo-nuclear-network

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This repo will serve as the centralized version control for developments in our thermonuclear network algorithm. I have attempted to make the organization of the repo as self-explanatory as possible but for the sake of completeness, I will outline it here.


The explicitMatrix/ directory is the main directory where active development of the explicit matrix computation algorithm occurs.


This directory includes older C and C++ versions of explicitMatrix as well as other data files.


The matlab/ directory is the location of all previous Matlab based development files, primarily written by Nick Brey.


The Prev_Presentations_Papers/ directory stores relevant publications and presentations related to both thermonuclear networks and neutrino transport


The tars/ directory stores archives of multiple previous developments including the GUI based Java program from which our current work is based, old Cuda code, a basic tutorial on gnuplot from Dr. Guidry, the original verison of the current explicitMatrix directory (in Cversion.tar.gz), and an older version of the Collisionator code which Eirik, Adam, and Dr. Guidry have been developing for the neutrino transport problem.


The tutorials/ directory stores multiple simple tutorials which Dr. Guidry has created for student use to explain gnuplot, the GSL library, and a refresher on C arrays and pointers. Also a directory of pdf files giving a simple tutorial on basics of git/github.

For issues and/or questions related to this repository, you can contact me at aderous1@vols.utk.edu.