FESOM / fdiag

FESOM2 monitoring
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Adding new diagnostic to html files #3

Closed JanStreffing closed 3 years ago

JanStreffing commented 3 years ago

Hey Nikolay, I added a diagnostic where the ice area, extent and volume for March, September and for SH & NH are added in just one plot each. The plots look fine, e.g. image but adding them to the html file did not quite work:

fdiag ice_vol_test.yml 
The names of runs to be processed are:['PICT']
Data on previous runs exist in ./results/ice_vol_test/ice_vol_test.json, 

they will be used to generate output for diagnostics you do not run this time.
!!! Performing ice_integrals_combined_nocomparison !!!
Executing:  31%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████▋                                                                                                               | 5/16 [00:03<00:05,  2.11cell/s]sh: convert: command not found
mv: cannot stat './results/ice_vol_test/figures/ice_vol_test_ice_integrals_combined_nocomparison_icearea_combined.png_trimmed.png': No such file or directory
Executing:  50%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████                                                                                 | 8/16 [00:07<00:07,  1.10cell/s]sh: convert: command not found
mv: cannot stat './results/ice_vol_test/figures/ice_vol_test_ice_integrals_combined_nocomparison_iceext_combined.png_trimmed.png': No such file or directory
Executing:  75%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▊                                        | 12/16 [00:14<00:05,  1.44s/cell]sh: convert: command not found
mv: cannot stat './results/ice_vol_test/figures/ice_vol_test_ice_integrals_combined_nocomparison_icevol_combined.png_trimmed.png': No such file or directory
Executing: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 16/16 [00:15<00:00,  1.06cell/s]

In particular this part: _combined.png_trimmed.png seems wrong. Maybe you can have a quick look at my work here: https://github.com/FESOM/fdiag/tree/combined_ice_integrals I'm guessing this is easy to fix.

p.s. I tired to have the feature such that there is one color per experiment and different linestyles per season and hemisphere, but I found the result much less clear than using different colors for each season and hemisphere. Therefore I deviate fromt he default blue/orange color scheme.

koldunovn commented 3 years ago

@JanStreffing This looks really nice, thanks a lot for adding it!

Looks like the failure is at the level of the notebook, and in your output notebook I found the warning:

sh: convert: command not found
mv: cannot stat './results/ice_vol_test/figures/ice_vol_test_ice_integrals_combined_nocomparison_icevol_combined.png_trimmed.png': No such file or directory

I hope:

module load GCCcore/.10.3.0
module load ImageMagick/7.0.10-25

will fix the issue. Relying on ImageMagick for conversion is not the best idea, although I thought it is installed everywhere, but I am wrong :)) Probably we have to change it to pythonic way of trimming.

JanStreffing commented 3 years ago

I found and loaded ImageMagick/7.0.10-25, but not the GCCcore/.10.3.0:

module spider GCCcore
Lmod has detected the following error:  Unable to find: "GCCcore".

I tried like this, since I do have a gcc compiler by default, without loading a module. I had to make one more small change to the path in drivers.py, then it worked.