FESOM / fdiag

FESOM2 monitoring
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FESOM2 diagnostics suite

Command line utility that will run a set of diagnostics for FESOM2 runs.




Currently only installation from source with pip is supported. You have to clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/FESOM/fdiag.git

And install it with pip:

cd fdiag
pip install -e .

Alternatively, you can directly install everything via (but some users reported problems with this one):

pip install git+https://github.com/FESOM/fdiag.git

Note that this may require the --user flag if you don't have root privileges.


After installation you should have fdiag utility available as a command line programm. As an argument you should provide path to the yaml workflow file. Examples of the workflows are located in workflows folder. For example:

fdiag ./worflows/short.yml

You should modify the worflow file to make it work with your data. Workflow file consist of general part, where settings for all diagnostics are defined, and separate settings for each of the diagnostics. As a result you should get html and pdf files, that contain results of the diagnostic runs. They will be placed in the results folder.


Available diagnostics

All available diagnostics with some possible options are shown in the example file workflows/long_test.yml