FESOM / tripyview

Triangular plotting for FESOM2
MIT License
4 stars 3 forks source link

Triangular plotting and diagnostics for FESOM2 + command line utility similar to fdiag using plotting suite of Patrick.Scholz@awi.de (former fesom2/view_pscholz folder). Data reading got updated to xarray, plotting got updated to cartopy, actually works well for python=3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12 (python 3.8 made recently some problems to resolve all the cartopy dependencies). It is tested upto dart mesh size (3M surface vertices) where it allows for a decend working speed (but only when used in parallel)
version: 0.3.0


In moment only possible by source files using pip:

1st. clone respository:

git clone https://github.com/patrickscholz/tripyview

2nd. install using conda & pip :

make sure your conda environment uses python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 or 3.12 (conda create --name py39 python=3.9; conda activate py39)

# -netcdf4>=1.6.1 can be used now, there were problems with the thread safety of 
#  netcdf4 (occured especially on albedo), there was a workaround with
#  dask.config.set(scheduler="single-threaded") to ensure that each worker only 
#  gets one thread
# -install libstdcxx-ng with conda since there is no pip package for it is needed
#  so that pyvista is able to plot interactively
conda install -c conda-forge libstdcxx-ng
cd tripyview
pip install -e .

# If you want to use the interactive features in tools/do_topo@elem_or_node.ipynb
# due to python issues you will need jupyter_server=1.23.6, jupyter_client=7.3.2, 
# tornad=6.1 --> its the only combination where this features works in moment!!!
(pip install jupyter_server==1.23.6 jupyter_client==7.3.2 tornado==6.1)

# On my laptop i had problems with the classic notebook support beyond jupyter_server==2.0.0
# and had to downgrade it to jupyter_server<2.0.0. However on HPC albedo that didnt
# seems to be the case.
(pip install "jupyter_server<2.0.0")

Different diagnostics

see ./template_notebook/:

It is recommented to leave the template_notebooks unaltered since they are needed by the tripyrun (papermill) batch diagnostic. If you want to work on them simply copy them to the ./notebook folder.

General horizontal plots:

General vertical plots:

General time plots:


2D automatic multipanel plotting:

3D plotting:

Command line batch diagnostics:


If you use the package please give the package or the author some credit.