FHIR / sql-on-fhir-v2

This project provides the source for the SQL on FHIR v2.0 Implementation Guide
MIT License
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SQL on FHIR® (v2.0)


This project provides the source for the SQL on FHIR v2.0 Implementation Guide.

SQL on FHIR is a specification that defines a standard way to define portable, tabular projections of FHIR data.

The FHIR® standard is a great fit for RESTful and JSON-based systems, helping make healthcare data liquidity real. This spec aims to take FHIR usage a step further, making FHIR work well with familiar and efficient SQL engines and surrounding ecosystems.

We do this by creating simple, tabular views of the underlying FHIR data that are tailored to specific needs. Views are defined with FHIRPath expressions in a logical structure to specify things like column names and unnested items.

Read the specification →

Check the existing implementations page or register your own.

Check out the interactive playground.

FHIR Foundation Project Statement


Content as markdown is now found in input/pagecontent. Also see sushi-config.yaml for additional settings, including configuration for the menu.

Local Build

This is a Sushi project and can use HL7 IG Publisher to build locally:

  1. Clone this respository
  2. Run ./scripts/_updatePublisher.sh to get the latest IG publisher
  3. Install sushi if you don't have it already with: npm i fsh-sushi
  4. Run ./scripts/_genonce.sh to generate the IG
  5. Run open output/index.html to view the IG website

    Instructions for viewing the IG in a local http-server... ```sh npm i http-server cd output http-server # Will launch the content in a new browser tab. ```

Building tests, see test README

Testing Implementation

This specification contains a set of tests in the /tests directory, which are set of test case files, each covering one aspect of implementation. A test case is represented as JSON document with title and description attributes, a set of fixtures (FHIR resources) as the resources attribute, and an array of test objects.

A test object has a unique title, a ViewDefinition as the view attribute, and and expected set of resulting rows in the expect attribute.

Tests Overview

Test cases are organized as individual JSON documents within the /tests directory. Each test case file is structured to include a combination of attributes that define the scope and expectations of the test. The main components of a test case file are:

Below is an abstract representation of what a test case file might look like:

  // unique name of test
  'title': 'title',
  'description': '...',
  'fhirVersion': ['5.0.0', '4.0.1'],
  // fixtures
  'resources': [
    {'resourceType': 'Patient', 'id': 'pt-1'},
    {'resourceType': 'Patient', 'id': 'pt-2'}
  'tests': [
      'title': 'title of test case',
      'tags': ['shareable'],
      // ViewDefintion
      'view': {
        'select': [
          {'column': [{'name': 'id', 'path': 'id'}]}
      // expected result
      'expect': [
        {'id': 'pt-1'},
        {'id': 'pt-2'}

Reserved Tags

The following tags are reserved for categorizing test cases based on their applicability to profiles within the core specification:

Implement Test Runner

To ensure comprehensive validation and interoperability, it is recommended for implementers to integrate the test suite contained in this repository directly into their projects. This can be achieved efficiently by adding this repository as a git submodule to your project.

Furthermore, implementers are advised to develop a test runner based on the following guidelines to execute the test cases and generate a test report. This process is essential for verifying the implementation against the specified test cases.

The test runner should be designed to automate the execution of test cases and generate a comprehensive test report. Follow these steps to implement your test runner:

Test Execution Workflow

Generating the Test Report

The test runner should produce a test_report.json file containing the results of the test executions. The structure of the test report is a map where:

//example test_report.json
  "logic.json": {
    "tests": [
        "name": "filtering with 'and'",
        "result": {
          "passed": true
        "name": "filtering with 'or'",
        "result": {
          "passed": false,
          "reason": "skipped"

Reporting Your Test Results

After running the test suite and generating a test_report.json file with the outcomes of your implementations test runs, the next step is to make these results accessible for review and validation. Publishing your test report to a publicly accessible HTTP server enables broader visibility and verification of your implementations compliance with the specifications. This guide outlines the process of publishing your test report and registering your implementation.

You can validate the structure of your test report file using the test report JSON schema.

Publishing the Test Report

  1. Choose a Hosting Service: Select an HTTP server or a cloud storage service (such as AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure Blob Storage) that supports setting CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) policies. This is crucial for enabling the test report to be accessed from different origins.

  2. Upload Your Test Report:

    • Ensure your test_report.json is ready for publication.
    • Upload the file to your chosen service. If you're using cloud storage, you might need to create a bucket or container if you haven't already.
  3. Enable CORS:

    • Configure CORS settings on your HTTP server or cloud storage bucket to allow requests from https://fhir.github.io. This typically involves setting a CORS policy that includes this origin.
    • An example CORS policy for a cloud storage service might look like:
       "AllowedOrigins": ["https://fhir.github.io"],
       "AllowedMethods": ["GET"],
       "AllowedHeaders": ["*"],
       "MaxAgeSeconds": 3000
  4. Verify Access:

    • After configuring CORS, verify that the test_report.json can be accessed from a browser without encountering CORS errors. You can do this by attempting to fetch the report from a webpage hosted on https://fhir.github.io or using developer tools in your browser.

Registering Your Implementation

Once your test report is published and accessible, the final step is to register your implementation in the test_report/public/implementations.json file. This file serves as a registry of available implementations and their test results, facilitating discovery and comparison.

  1. Format of implementations.json:

    • The implementations.json file is a JSON document that lists implementations along with URLs to their test reports.
    • Each entry should include the name of your implementation and the URL to the published test_report.json.
  2. Add Your Implementation:

    • Clone or fork the repository containing the implementations.json if necessary.
    • Add an entry for your implementation in the format:
       "name": "YourImplName",
       "description": "<description>",
       "url": "<link-to-the-site>",
       "testResultsUrl": "<link-to-test-results>"
    • Ensure that the URL is directly accessible and points to the latest version of your test report.
  3. Submit Your Changes:

    • Commit your changes to the implementations.json file.
    • If you're working on a fork or a branch, submit a pull request to the main repository to merge your changes.
    • Your implementation will appear on the implementations page.

By following these steps, you'll not only make your test results publicly available, you'll also contribute to a collective resource that benefits the entire FHIR implementation community. Your participation helps in demonstrating interoperability and compliance with the specifications, fostering trust and collaboration among developers and organizations.