Title: Future Internet Protocol Evolution (FIPE)
Chair: Burjiz Pithawala, Elisity Inc
Time: 07/31/2020, 16:00 - 17:30 UTC (extend to 18:00 if needed)
Participants can join up to 15 minutes earlier, e.g.: for webex testing
Where: https://fipe.my.webex.com/fipe.my-en/j.php?MTID=m17ae93edead035f7c511e8bdcf8c9e1e
Webex Meeting number (access code): 163 598 0683
Webex Meeting password: FIPE2020 (34732020 from phones and video systems)
Etherpad URL: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/v108-fipe-side-meeting
The goal of this unofficial side meeting is to make progress on defining research challenges and problems related to Future Internet Protocol Evolution (FIPE) that are not already better covered by other IRTF RG. We welcome any proposals and discussions to that end.
Part1: Deployment incentives, interworking, and gateways between networks with different addressing semantics
1.1 Routing and Traffic Engineering Challenges for Space-based Networking in Future Internet (25 mins)
Speaker: Daniel King, Lancaster University
1.2 The Multi-semantics of Addressing (20 mins)
Speaker: Stewart Bryant, University of Surrey and Futurewei
Part2: E2E high-precision on latency assurance and multi-channel coordination
2.1 New Requirements for Time-Engineered Holographic Teleportation over Internet (20 mins)
Speaker: Ning Wang, University of Surrey
2.2 Truly Immersive Volumetric Media Delivery (20 mins)
Speaker: Hemanth Kumar Ravuri, Ghent University