FIWARE / tutorials.Getting-Started

:blue_book: FIWARE 101: An Introduction to the FIWARE Platform
MIT License
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context-broker contextual-data entity fiware fiware-orion geojson geoquery postman-collection tutorial urn


FIWARE Core Context Management License: MIT Support badge

These are an Introductory Tutorials to the FIWARE NGSI interfaces. We will start with the data from a supermarket chain’s store finder/Smart Farm and create a very simple “Powered by FIWARE” application by passing in the address and location of each store as context data to the FIWARE context broker.

The tutorial uses cUrl commands throughout, but is also available as Postman documentation.


NGSI-v2 Smart Supermarket

NGSI-v2 offers JSON based interoperability used in individual Smart Systems. To run this tutorial with NGSI-v2, use the NGSI-v2 branch.

git clone
cd tutorials.Getting-Started
git checkout NGSI-v2

./services create
./services start
:books: Documentation Postman Collection

NGSI-LD Smart Farm

NGSI-LD offers JSON-LD based interoperability used for Federations and Data Spaces. To run this tutorial with NGSI-LD, use the NGSI-LD branch.

git clone
cd tutorials.Getting-Started
git checkout NGSI-LD

./services create
./services start
NGSI LD :books: Documentation Postman Collection


MIT © 2018-2024 FIWARE Foundation e.V.