FK83 / bvarsv

Analysis of the Primiceri (REStud, 2005) model
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R package for Bayesian analysis of the Primiceri (2005) model. See the R documentation files (accessible from within the package, e.g. via ? and the supporting documents posted above (bvarsv_Nov2015_website.pdf and bvarsv_replication.pdf) for details.

The (stable version of the) package is on CRAN:


Primiceri, G E (2005): `Time Varying Structural Vector Autoregressions and Monetary Policy', Review of Economic Studies 72, 821-852.

Del Negro, M and G E Primiceri (2015): `Time Varying Structural Vector Autoregressions and Monetary Policy: A Corrigendum', Review of Economic Studies 82, 1342-1345.