FL-app / backend

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FLApp (Friends Locator Application)

🌐 Link for the website:


✏️ Project description:

Web application for finding friends on the map. Here people can search and add new friends, share their geolocation and see the location of a friend, gather for fun meetings and have a great time.

Used technologies:

- Figma
- React
- React Leaflet
- Html
- Scss
- JavaScript (will be moved on Typescript)
- Redux
- Redux-toolkit
- Redux-thunk
- Webpack
- Python 3.11
- Django 4.1
- Djangorestframework 3.14
- Python-dotenv 0.21.1
- Django-filter 22.1
- PostgreSQL 13.0
- Docker


- You can search and add new friends
- You can view your friends location
- You can invite new friends
- You can accept friend requests
- You can remove users from friends
- Admin-zone

Launch instructions:

Copy the docker-compose.yml and nginx.conf files from the infra folder to the remote server:

cd backend/infra/
scp docker-compose.yml <username>@<IP>:/<address of your project on the server>/
scp nginx.conf <username>@<IP>:/<address of your project on the server>/
# username - username of the server
# IP - public IP address of the server


In the repository settings on GitHub, create environment variables in the Settings -> Secrets -> Actions:


  1. This app's using external volume for DB so before you start you should create this volume:

    docker volume create --name=pg_volume

  2. After that build and launch containers:

    docker-compose up -d --build

    For now app is available at localhost

If you'll need any manage.py commands then you'll want to use prefix:

docker-compose exec backend python manage.py *comand*

Admin-zone is available at:


All available endpoints and responses you can find in documentation:


Examples requests:


Examples of responses:

- GET {
    "id": 5,
    "email": "kolya@mail.ru",
    "username": "kolya",
    "first_name": "",
    "last_name": ""
- POST {
    "id": 3,
    "email": "pasha@mail.ru",
    "username": "pasha",
    "first_name": "",
    "last_name": ""

⚛️ Project authors:

Vladislav Kisaev - PM

Oksana Anikina - UI/UX

⭐️ Frontend ⭐️ Backend ⭐️ QA
1 Evgeniy Borovikov 1 Alsu Saripova 1 Dmitrii Udalov
2 Meerim 2 Dmitry Lukonin 2 Sergej Bursow
3 Kirill 3 Petr 3 Mark Stachev