FMRIB-Software-Library / support

Public FSL issue tracker and support portal
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FSL Support


Here are some direct links you can click to immediately start a new issue:

This is the support website for FSL and FSL analyses.

This public Github repository serves as a general purpose support portal. It is used as an issue-only-repository. No FSL source code is stored here. If you are looking for FSL sources you can download them here.

You are encouraged to ask questions about all FSL neuroimaging software, or questions about your analyses that use FSL. We also encourage you to report any FSL software bugs you encounter. This Github repository replaces the FSL JISC email list. That list will remain active so that it is searchable on the web, but new support questions should be directed to the issue page of this Github repository.


If you want to get notified when new issues and comments are posted (like an email list), just click watch on the top right of this webpage. You can choose the level of notifications you wish to subscribe to.

Using Issues

Questions, comments, and bug reports all show up as issues within this Github repository. There are several templates you can choose from when creating a new issue.

Please take some time to fill in the requested information in the templates provided. If you don't have all the information availabe that's ok. Fill it in as best you can. Providing as much detailed information as possible will help us answer questions, or debug software issues faster.

Anyone can view and search issues.

You must have a Github account to submit a new issue, or comment on an existing issue. Issues and comments are welcome from everyone using FSL regardless of career stage. We are here to support all researchers using FSL. Everyone is encouraged to help answer questions on this issue list if they can.

An issue cannot be created from an email. All new issues must be started using the Github issue page. However, once an issue is created you can use email to respond to an issue notification sent to your Github email address. This is useful if you are watching certain topics. More info on Github notifications here.

Searching past and current issues

Please try to search for past issues related to your question, comment, or bug. It's possible the question has been answered and marked as solved before. You can type your search query in the input field on the issues page. Be sure to remove the filters if you want to search everything.

Here are some useful direct links:

About the Maintainers

This issue-only-repository is maintained by the Analysis Group, which is part of the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging at the University of Oxford (where FSL is developed). Many past and present FSL software developers, and neuroimaging experts monitor this support repository. It's likely that a question you ask will be answered by the creator of an analysis program, or a person now maintaining it.

Maintainer email setup

If you use Github for more than one project and belong to multiple organizations you may want to route your emails to a specific address per organization.

To route your email for this organization:

  1. Go to your profile notification settings
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to Custom routing
  3. Route your email to the address you want for this organization FMRIB-Software-Library


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