This repository provides a method for installing HPE Lights-Out Standalone Remote Console for Windows (HPLOCONS) in a container using Wine.
Warning The EULA of HPLOCONS forbids copying and redistribution.
Installation involves manual steps because GUI steps are required.
# 1. Create an image with Wine
podman build -t localhost/fnndsc/hplocons:wine-base .
# 2. Run HPLOCONS installer inside of a container
podman run -d --name install-hplocons -p 5903:5900 \
-v "$PWD/supervisord_run_setup.conf:/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf:ro" \
-v "$PWD/" \
# connect to the GUI and click through the installation
vncviewer localhost:5903
# save the image
podman stop install-hplocons
podman commit install-hplocons fnndsc/hplocons
podman rm install-hplocons
Run container using Podman or Docker:
podman run --rm -p 5900:5900
Now connect to vnc://localhost:5900