FOI-Bioinformatics / CanSNPer2

CanSNPer2: A toolkit for SNP-typing bacterial genomes.
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 2 forks source link


CanSNPer2: A toolkit for SNP-typing NGS data.

Future planned implementations

Databases supplied can be found at

Upcoming databases


Installing using bioconda using mamba (recommended instead of conda)

mamba create -n cansnper2 cansnper2
mamba activate cansnper2

Installing from the repository

python install

Requirements (for manual install conda will install all dependencies)

Read input (not yet implemeted)

User guide CanSNPer2 (for custom databases see below)

  1. Download pre-built databases from

  2. Download references for database

CanSNPer2-download --database downloaded_database.db
  1. Run genomes
    CanSNPer2 --database downloaded_database.db fastadir/*.fasta --summary

The summary parameter will give a final result file with all SNPs that could be confirmed as well as a final CanSNP tree pdf with all SNPs from set colored.

For more options CanSNPer2 --help

Quick start custom databases

Create database, download references annotated in the database and run CanSNPer2

CanSNPer2-database --database francisella_tularensis.db --annotation snps.txt --tree tree.txt --reference references.txt --source_type CanSNPer --create
CanSNPer2-download --database francisella_tularensis.db
CanSNPer2 sample1.fasta sample2.fasta --database francisella_tularensis.db --save_tree

Example structure of references.txt

genome strain  genbank_id      refseq_id       assembly_name
OSU18   OSU18   GCA_000014605.1 GCF_000014605.1 ASM1460v1
FSC200  FSC200  GCA_000168775.2 GCF_000168775.2 ASM16877v2
FTNF002-00      FTNF002-00      GCA_000017785.1 GCF_000017785.1 ASM1778v1
LVS     LVS     GCA_000009245.1 GCF_000009245.1 ASM924v1
SCHUS4.2        SCHUS4  GCA_000008985.1 GCF_000008985.1 ASM898v1

Example structure of snps.txt (NEW headerline)

snp_id  strain  reference   genome  position    derived_base    ancestral_base
T/N.1   francisella Svensson2009    SCHUS4.2    83976   A   G
T.1 francisella Svensson2009    SCHUS4.2    1165688 G   A
M.1 francisella Vogler2009  SCHUS4.2    75124   T   C
A/M.1   francisella Vogler2009  SCHUS4.2    1491914 A   G
A.1 francisella Vogler2009  SCHUS4.2    397639  T   C
B.1 francisella Birdsell2014    OSU18   1710718 T   C

Example structure of tree.txt

T/N.1   T.1     
T/N.1   T.1 B.1
T/N.1   T.1 A/M.1
T/N.1   T.1 A/M.1   A.1
T/N.1   T.1 A/M.1   M.1

CanSNPer2 help

usage: CanSNPer2 [-h] [-db] [-o DIR] [--save_tree] [--no_export]
                 [--refdir] [--workdir]
                 [--read_input] [--skip_mauve]
                 [--keep_going] [--keep_temp]
                 [--tmpdir] [--logdir] [--verbose] [--debug] [--supress]
                 [query [query ...]]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Required arguments:
  query                 File(s) to align (fasta)
  -db , --database      CanSNP database

Output options:
  -o DIR, --outdir DIR  Output directory
  --save_tree           Save tree as PDF using ETE3 (default False)
  --no_export           no file output (can be used if summary only is requested)
  --summary             Output a summary file and tree with all called SNPs

Run options:
  --refdir              Specify reference directory
  --workdir             Change workdir default (./)
  --read_input          Select if input is reads not fasta
                        (not implemeted expected for version v2.1.0)
  --min_required_hits   MIN_REQUIRED_HITS
                        Minimum sequential hits to call a SNP!
  --keep_going          If Error occurs, continue with the rest of samples
  --rerun               Rerun already processed files (else skip if result file exists)

  --keep_temp           keep temporary files
  --skip_mauve          If xmfa files already exists skip step

Logging and debug options:
  --tmpdir              Specify reference directory
  --logdir              Specify log directory
  --verbose             Verbose output
  --debug               Debug output
  --supress             Supress warnings

Additional information about running CanSNPer2 could be found in the wiki.

About this software

Copyright (C) 2019 David Sundell @ FOI bioinformatics group

CanSNPer2 is implemented as a Python 3 package. It is open source software made available under the GPL-3.0 license.

If you experience any difficulties with this software, or you have suggestions, or want to contribute directly, you have the following options: