FOSSBilling / Proxmox

Proxmox VM provisioning for FOSSBilling
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Proxmox module for FOSSBilling

This module is still in development and not ready for production use.

WIP Proxmox support for FOSSBilling. As stated above, this is still heavily a WIP and is not ready for production use. Please only install it if you are a developer and intend to contribute back to the module. Please see the issues (especially #26) for the current status of the module as some great work is being done, but it's not yet to a complete state.

Server List





Installation ( For 0.1.0 Preview!)


You need to run Fossbilling 0.5.5, otherwise this preview will not work.

USE client; -- Set this to the database where FOSSBilling is installed

DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE DropTables() BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE tableName VARCHAR(255); DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'client' -- replace client with your database name AND table_name LIKE 'service_proxmox%'; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE;

OPEN cur;
read_loop: LOOP
    FETCH cur INTO tableName;
    IF done THEN
        LEAVE read_loop;
    END IF;
    SET @sql = CONCAT('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `', tableName, '`;');
    PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
    EXECUTE stmt;
CLOSE cur;


-- Call the stored procedure to drop the tables CALL DropTables();

-- Drop the stored procedure DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS DropTables;

### Installation for 0.1.0 Preview
- Go to the Modules folder (f.ex: ```cd /var/www/modules```)
- Run ```git clone Serviceproxmox```
- Go Inside the directory ```cd Serviceproxmox/```
- Checkout the 0.1.0 branch ```git checkout 0.1.0```
- Make sure to chown to your web-servers User (f.ex `chown www-data:www-data Serviceproxmox -Rf`) 
- Install the Module in the Web interface.
- Configure the Proxmox module in the FOSSBilling admin area
- Add new Proxmox servers.
- "Prepare Server" on each Proxmox server (this will create the necessary API user and role) (The Plus Button in the Server List)
- Add new Proxmox products with the correct VM settings setup

The Proxmox Addon now has its own Menu Entry:


## Storage List 

## Templates

### VM Templates

### LXC Appliances

### LXC Appliances





## Settings

## Licensing
This module is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for more information.

## Copyright
Copyright: Christoph Schläpfer & the FOSSBilling Team.

Based on [previous work]( by [Scith](