A cave-delving puzzle game for the OLPC
Academic Free Liscence (AFL) v3.0
.. split here
threebean found that on Fedora 17, he had to do the following stuff to get pygame to stand up correctly in a virtualenv::
$ sudo yum -y install pygame pygame-devel $ mkvirtualenv --system-site-packages pyCaveExplorer (pyCaveExplorer) $ python setup.py develop
Then I could run the game by typing::
(pyCaveExplorer) $ explore-the-cave
learn pygame
make grid
grid generator
create solver to check if grid is valid
create stat tracking interface
Teach fourth grade electricity and magnetism http://schools.nyc.gov/Documents/STEM/Science/K8ScienceSS.pdf
Some concepts:
Lighting Strategies:
the player can quickly light an area in series, using one wire.
the player can take more time to light the area in parallel.