This repository is dedicated to the CORDEX-CORE data analysis WG
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This repository is dedicated to the CORDEX-CORE data analysis WG

The WG started under the frame of the CORDEX FPS URB-RCC in 2022. The WG aims to investigate available CORDEX-CORE (0.22°) data for large urban areas across the globe.



File Description
selected_cities.yaml List of selected cities for the analysis
city_info.csv Information (area, population, density, gp022, coordinates, Köppen climate type, ...) on cities reasonably represented in 0.22 deg. resolution CORDEX-CORE simulations. This is created from GHSL data by city_population_area.ipynb


Notebook Description
city_population_area.ipynb Displays a map of selected cities by population and area
city_scatter.ipynb Displays area vs population scatterplots by Köppen climate

Including the data

Since the datasets are too big to be stored on GitHub, they are currently stored on RUB's geocloud, see here. This folder is password-protected. In case you are interested to have access, please reach out to Matthias Demuzere via email.

  1. Either download the data or setup a Nextcloud-sync
  2. While in the repo run the following command to create a symbolic link to have the data folder available as ./data in the repositories root. It works best if you use absolute paths.
    ln --symbolic /home/<user>/<some-other-folders>/CORDEX-CORE-WG /home/<user>/<some-other-folders>/CORDEX-CORE-WG/data
  3. You now should have a symbolic link for ./data, e.g.:
    20:58:21-demuzmp4@rub:CORDEX-CORE-WG$ ls -l
    total 616
    -rw-r--r-- 1 demuzmp4 Domain Users  23688 Jan 17 20:38 city_info.csv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 demuzmp4 Domain Users 473558 Jan 17 20:38 city_population_area.ipynb
    -rw-r--r-- 1 demuzmp4 Domain Users 116289 Jan 17 20:38 city_scatter.ipynb
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 demuzmp4 Domain Users     44 Jan 17 20:57 data -> /home/demuzmp4/Nextcloud/data/CORDEX-CORE-WG
    drwxr-xr-x 2 demuzmp4 Domain Users   4096 Jan 17 20:38 indices
    -rw-r--r-- 1 demuzmp4 Domain Users   2666 Jan 17 20:59 README.md
    -rw-r--r-- 1 demuzmp4 Domain Users   1710 Jan 17 20:38 selected_cities.yaml