FRC1076 / 2019-Competition

Code for 2019 Competition
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Arrange a choice of sensors for ElevatorAttendant so we can try them #77

Open mcolinj opened 5 years ago

mcolinj commented 5 years ago

When we get our 90 minutes with the Robot on Feb 22, we need to be able to test the navx ability to predict the height of the elevator.

Later on, we may have sonar and/or encoders that could do something similar. Make sure that everything will plug-in okay so we can easily switch out the sensor we are using for ElevatorAttendant.

mcolinj commented 5 years ago

I tested the 99 cent sonar unit pointing toward the floor and it seems to perform pretty well. We could use that to determine the height of the elevator, provided it is mounted on the outside edge of the ball handler platform. (away from the robot).

I showed the assembly to Lana, so she knows we need a 4-wire cable to connect the sonar to an arduino on the electronics board. That can forward range-cm packets to the SonarSensor client running on the Rio.