This is the official repository for FRC Team 1732's main robot code for FIRST Infinite Recharge.
Using the command palette within VS Code, use WPILib: Manage Vendor Libraries
and select Install new libraries (online)
and provide the URLs below
REVRobotics V3 Color Sensor:
NEW WPILib Dependency:
Before editing files in this repository, read
The code herein follows the WPILIB Command Robot pattern, and uses a single code formatting. Please follow these patterns, and practicies when creating commits, otherwise they will not be accepted into the main branch.
The offical formatting is defined in eclipse-formatter.xml. Just use Shift-Alt-F
or Format Document
from the command palette to automatically format an open .java file.
Because Java classes are case-sensitive to the file name, Git does not pick up on case file name changes, you need to enter the following command in your terminal
git config core.ignorecase false
The following files should not be modified in anyway:
This season the project will utilize the new Command-Based structure as defined here:
This differs from the Command-Based structure in the past which uses OI and RobotMap.
Constants can be found in The RobotMap is intended to provide constants in a single place, e.g. CAN IDs, and other identifying information. This may be updated later to specify parameters via an INI file to be FTP'd to the RoboRio memory
Subsystems interface with either hardware, either through the WPILib library, or other similar methods. Another way to think of subsystems it that they store and change the physical state of the robot.
Subsystems may also just read from sensors. In these cases, the subsystem is just converting the signals read in from sensors into a more useful format (e.g. encoder ticks to inches).
Some subsystems have a default command, a command to run when no other command requires them.
Commands read data from subsystems, and use logic and math to decide on a target state for the subsystem. has all of the joystick and button inputs. Commands shouldn't use or access Joystick objects directly, but instead just call the appropriate method in