FRCteam3952 / FRC2023

2022 - 2023 Season Robot Code
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Implement automatic claw rotation for cones #16

Closed maxchen132 closed 1 year ago

maxchen132 commented 1 year ago

We will have a camera mounted on the claw, pointing in the direction which the claw faces. Assume we can get the orientation angle (in degrees) of the cone from camera vision, where the angle is 0 when the tip of the cone points vertically upwards from the camera's perspective. Implement automatic claw rotation in which the claw automatically rotates to match the orientation angle of the cone.

Comment if you are taking this issue, thanks!

maxchen132 commented 1 year ago

Added autoRotate() function to and bound it to a button number constant in to make this issue easier to take. autoRotate() still needs to be implemented per the specifications above.

siIverfish commented 1 year ago

ima do it

maxchen132 commented 1 year ago

Basis of function has been implemented