FRCteam3952 / FRC2023

2022 - 2023 Season Robot Code
11 stars 17 forks source link

Troy Robotics - FRC 2023 Codebase

Team 3952's robot for the 2023 Season "FIRST Charged Up" using Java and the WPILib library.

Setup Instructions


  1. You NEED to have Java installed on your local system. Either download Oracle JDK or OpenJDK
  2. You need a code editor, preferably Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ IDEA
  3. You must have Git installed
  4. Run the WPILib Installer this will include all the needed VSCode plugins and all of the NI software tools. Make sure to download the correct file for your operating system (Windows users download "WPILib_Windows-2023.2.1.iso" and start the install .EXE)



Visual Studio Code

  1. Clone the project into a known folder location
  2. The WPILib VSCode extension should automatically detect the project so you can start editing

Basic Bash Commands

  1. Run ./gradlew to download gradle and needed FRC/Vendor libraries
  2. Run ./gradlew build to build the code. Use the --info flag for more details
  3. To deploy code into the robot, you must first connect to the robot's Wi-Fi network then run ./gradlew deploy
  4. It is recommended to run the clean task before deploying again to clear previous deployed binaries run ./gradlew clean deploy
    • Run ./gradlew test to run all of the JUnit tests
    • Run ./gradlew tasks to see available options If you run into any gradle errors remember to check your java installation path


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