FRI-Computational-Materials / haptic-device

Code for the FRI haptic device project
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Code for the FRI haptic device project

NOTE: When launching the program, you may need to calibrate the device by pushing it in and out until it is recognized.


Specify the # of atoms at launch like so:

./haptic-device 38

If you don't pass in anything, the default is five.

You can also read in an existing configuration:

./haptic-device example.con

Make sure the .con file is in ../resources/data.

Choose the potential energy surface by adding a second argument:

./haptic-device 25 morse

The default is Lennard-Jones(lj). Other options are morse, ase, pyamff.

Build Instructions


Windows development temporarily halted (unable to compile on Visual Studio). Check for details on installation.


  1. Download the multiplatform release from chai3d

  2. Run the following commands

    sudo add-apt-repository universe
    sudo apt update
  3. Install the required packages using the command

    sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev libasound2-dev freeglut3-dev xorg-dev python3-dev gfortran
  4. Run "make" in the chai3d-3.2.0 directory

  5. Clone this repo into the chai3d-3.2.0 directory

  6. Create the directory data in bin/resources and move the file global_minima.txt there

  7. Run make in the haptic-device/PyAMFF folder

  8. Run make in the haptic-device folder

  9. Your directory structure should look like so:

    ├── bin
    │   ├── lin-x86_64
    │   ├── mac-i386
    │   ├── mac-x86_64
    │   ├── resources
    │       └── data
    │           └── global_minima.txt
    │   ├── win-Win32
    │   └── win-x64
    └── haptic-device
    ├── LJ.cpp
    ├── Makefile
    ├── obj
    ├── PyAMFF    

At this point, the software should run with mouse and keyboard. The following steps are for setting up the haptic device

  1. You may to change lines involving the relative file path

    bool fileload = texture->loadFromFile(RESOURCE_PATH("../resources/images/spheremap-3.jpg"));

    to the absolute file path.

  2. Run the following commands while in chai3d-3.20/:

    • sudo cp ./external/DHD/doc/linux/51-forcedimension.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
    • sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger


  1. Download the latest release of CHAI3D for Mac OS X from chai3d
  2. Make sure you have XCode downloaded, and follow instructions from the file entitled "getting-started.html" located in the doc folder of chai3d
  3. Copy over all of the files from haptic-device into one of the CHAI3D examples, and rename LJ.cpp to to the same name of the .cpp file already in the CHAI3D example, such as "01-mydevice.cpp". If you're getting an error, make sure that you don't have a dupicate LJ.cpp file.
  4. Run the example.


The textbook is too big to upload so here's the link:



In order to use pyamff, you will need to have the following files in the lin-x86_64 folder:
